Ask an Alumnus

AkiraChix Kenya
3 min readSep 2, 2020


codeHive Class of 2020 during an Ask an Alumnus Zoom session with codeHive alumnus Joy Wahome class of 2019

At AkiraChix we genuinely believe in the age-old saying, “Each one, teach one,” which we sum up in our vision as #SheServes.

We believe that all the young women who graduate from our codeHive program need to give back to their communities in various ways. From building sustainable technology-driven solutions, to simply providing basic mentorship to others. This is all to break the cycle of poverty and bridge the gender gap in the technology sector.

Normally, through the year these driven young women, in the codeHive program, would have hob-knobbed with some of the greatest minds in the East African technology space, attended devthons and other workshops for young minds in the software development space.

But things have changed as we all know thanks to the pandemic. This year the codeHive class of 2020, have attended a few virtual seminars, but it’s not quite the same. They also have mentors they talk to from time to time, but we decided to go a step further to ensure they get the necessary boost they need as they get ready for job placements in September.

For about a month now, we have been running weekly webinars with our alumni in one-hour sessions we call Ask an Alumnus. This is an opportunity for the class of 2020 to ask all the questions they have, get clarity and a boost of confidence by learning from those who have gone before them in the codeHive program. It is an hour-long session of questions shared by the class to the codeHive alumnus who then shares her insights from her experience working in the technology sector.

In the last four weeks, we have heard from 12 alumni over the past 6 weeks and it’s only getting better.

Here are some of the great pointers these amazing codeHive alumni have shared:

Resilience is Key

When you start applying to organisations for positions, no matter how great you are in class, you need to know that not everyone will be eager to take you in. You may have to apply to tens of companies before you finally get a ‘yes’. Don’t give up, keep pushing and you will get the opportunity you deserve.

How to Pitch Your Strengths at an Interview

Be yourself. When you are yourself you won’t have to worry so much about whether you are good enough. You know you have something to offer, even though you may not have experience in the field. Trust in what you have learnt in the program so far. Speak about what you believe in and show your potential employer what you are capable of doing with samples of what you have developed.

Go the Extra Mile

There is a lot that you learn in the codeHive program, but you can always go the extra mile and learn something extra. There are free courses online like on Coursera which you can also do to improve your coding and development. There is always something new to learn.

Fight for What You Believe In

Not every great company stands for what you stand for. The money may be great, but if the company’s ethos and work environment are contrary to what you believe, don’t compromise. Find a place that believes in what you believe in and there you will thrive. Don’t compromise your principles out of desperation.



AkiraChix Kenya

Provide hands-on technical training and mentorship to young women & girls to increase the number of skilled women in tech and positively impact the community