Seizing Every Opportunity to Grow

AkiraChix Kenya
4 min readJul 29, 2020


Meet Regina Wanjiru

Telecommunication Technician, Fireside Communication Group, codeHive 2017 graduate

Regina Wanjiru, codeHive 2017 graduate

“We are four sisters, so when anything was busted like the TV or radio, the four of us had to fix things when Mum went out to work odd jobs to make ends meet. I grew up seeing my mum struggling to make ends meet,” Regina Wanjiru recalls. Regina is the second born of four girls.

This was the beginning of Regina’s interest in electrical engineering. She never knew it at the time, but when she was introduced to Physics in High School and explored circuitry and mechanics, she slowly started to see a connection with what she was learning and the DIY she did at home.

A year after graduation from High School in 2014, Regina was fortunate to get a sponsor to further her education, she took a one-year short course in tradesman electrical at the Kenya Institute of Highways and Building Technology.

Immediately after the course in 2015, she sought work; there was a lot of construction of residential and commercial property around her. She approached contractors and got to work as the on-site electrician making the electrical wiring of the properties.

Regina was used to being the only woman on an entire construction site. Then in 2016, after two years of working on several construction projects, she befriended a lady, new to the site. The lady noticed her dedication at work and mentioned AkiraChix and the codeHive programme.

“She told me they offered a combination of technology and hardware engineering. First, it is free, and its techie; I was hooked. I got so excited.” Regina recalls. “You grab what you can when an opportunity comes your way!”

Regina quickly applied for the programme, she was so sure she would be selected in the course, she started to plan for the first day of school. Her intuition was right, she did qualify for the codeHive Class of 2017. Regina was beside herself when she arrived at AkiraChix in February 2017.

“It was like a celebration when you join university, you feel nice and feel part of the community.” She recalls.

But the excitement was soon clouded with self-doubt, “it was hard, I didn’t know what to expect, I was afraid of judgement — what if I mess this up? So many questions were running through my mind.”

As she eased into the programme, and with the help of her mentors and instructors she finally settled in and found her footing.

“What I appreciated the most was we were encouraged to come the way we are, with whatever you have; you share.”

By the end of the first trimester, Regina quickly realised just how fast the year would go by and she burrowed herself in her school work.

Her courses in hardware product design, front-end programming and entrepreneurship came easy. She was now able to learn theoretically what she had been doing on the various construction sites. She now learnt the professional way of working.

But not every course was smooth sailing, graphic design was quite a struggle. She tried to the best of her ability and still applies that knowledge in the work she does today developing posters and business cards.

“But some things you realise just don’t come naturally to others, the design was a difficult skill for me, but I appreciate being able to have the basic skills.”

Every August, as part of the codeHive programme the students are required to go on a month-long internship. Regina’s experience wasn’t the easiest. She worked at BRCK; it was her first professional job in a formal work environment which intimidated her.

“I was so scared, these guys had bachelor degrees, and I was wondering if I was skilled enough for the job and in the process, I isolated myself in a corner not learning or sharing anything. I missed an opportunity, but I learnt from it.”

Regina now jumps at every opportunity she has and is not afraid to ask for help when she needs it. 2 months after graduation Regina got an initial 3-month internship with Fireside, which then turned in to 3-month probation. Now two years later she is a telecommunication technician, designing and configuring devices for Wi-Fi broadcast doing what she loves the most.

“I feel what matters is my skills. If we can do the same job it doesn’t matter where you went to school. It gives me even more confidence.” Regina exerts.

In a year or so, Regina hopes to graduate to a senior technician at her place of work. And she is growing her skills still.

“I am doing a short course in video editing and I want to start a business and hire more ladies to expand the team,” Regina enthuses. ”The more you grow, you find more happiness in your purpose. AkiraChix helped me discover my purpose.”



AkiraChix Kenya

Provide hands-on technical training and mentorship to young women & girls to increase the number of skilled women in tech and positively impact the community