Published inGoogle Developer Experts#AskAndroid: Compose Layouts and Modifiers — The Android Show MAD Skills Live Q&A — Part 1The latest edition of #TheAndroidShow on March 9th, 2023 was hosted by Madona Syombua and Rebecca Gutteridge. As always, the Android team…Mar 16, 20231Mar 16, 20231
Published inGoogle Developer ExpertsHow I became a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Android with the help of the #RoadToGDE programLast week I became a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Android. This was my second attempt at applying and it included me being a part of…Jul 14, 20226Jul 14, 20226
Published inProAndroidDevMy journey to having my open-source Android app featured on the Google Developers Dev LibraryMany developers are unaware of a platform called the Google Developers Dev Library and what it is about. I was one of those people and…Apr 24, 2022Apr 24, 2022
Published inProAndroidDevReplacing BottomSheetDialogFragment with Jetpack Compose’s ModalBottomSheetLayout: A Compose…At the beginning of this year, I embarked on a journey of migrating my large Android app to Jetpack Compose. My approach has been gradual…Mar 16, 20223Mar 16, 20223
Published inProAndroidDevWireless ADB debugging made even easier with Android Studio BumblebeeA while back I wrote an article about how to set up wireless ADB debugging using the command line. Today, in the latest release of Android…Jan 26, 20221Jan 26, 20221
#AskAndroid: A Summary of the questions asked and answered at Android Dev Summit 2021The amazing list of product offerings is not the only thing Android developers look forward to after Google I/O as there is also the live…Oct 29, 20211Oct 29, 20211
Published inProAndroidDevJetpack Compose: Adding a Hilt ViewModel to the Navigation graphJetpack Compose recently got released to production and its release was accompanied with great anticipation. This new toolkit helps…Sep 6, 20214Sep 6, 20214
Taking advantage of wireless ADB debugging on MacOS for Android 10 and lowerOne of the many issues encountered by developers using Android Studio is the amount of CPU power consumed by Android Studio’s emulator. On…Oct 4, 20201Oct 4, 20201
Building an Android prototype app in three days with the help of Android Jetpack for a hackathonIn March 2020 I participated in the #BuildForCOVID19 Global Hackathon which was a call for developers from around the world to come…Aug 15, 2020Aug 15, 2020
Joining the fight against Covid-19 with technology — Covid-19 Global HackathonCovid-19 has affected the world in a very devastating way. Many countries around the world are recording increases in positive cases on a…Apr 5, 2020Apr 5, 2020