akkam overseas
2 min readApr 29, 2019

Australia Vs. The USA — Which Country is better to Apply for Permanent Residency?

Australia and the USA are the most preferred countries for permanent residency immigration. Be it a vibrant lifestyle, living standard or cultural diversity, these countries are ideal for every immigrant. Thus it is this reason why these countries welcome several immigrants each year. But it can be confusing to decide which one is ideal for you to apply for PR and settle abroad.

Both countries have their own advantages and disadvantages. So let’s take a look at both benefits and drawbacks.

Permanent Residency in the United States of America (USA)

The United States of America has always been the best choice for immigrants searching to live in a developed country. The USA also provides the other facilities to the immigrants as it has also got low consumer prices at a low cost of groceries and rent when compared to Australia.

USA is a home to several top multinational companies and International organizations which includes the United Nations Organization (UNO).

Despite the good picture of USA, this is also true that the USA has been constantly revising its immigration policies and rules to control the immigration in the country. It is important to note that in the last decade, it has been difficult even for the highly skilled individuals to gain the US Visa, i.e. H1B.

Although you got a temporary work visa for the USA, when it comes to converting it into PR, it can be a challenge for an immigrant.

Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia

Australia is the same as the USA in terms of a strong economy, fantastic infrastructure facilities and high living standard. Australia is also known as the paymaster because it offers high paying jobs to every immigrant. It also offers good wages to the IT and Engineering professionals when compared to the USA.

Another key factor that proves Australia as the best immigration destination is its easy immigration policies compared to America. Australia provides the most organized point-based immigration system along with the speedy immigration process to let the skilled workers in the country.

How to get assistance to obtain PR Visa in Australia or USA?

If you wish to get the Permanent Residency (PR) Visa for Australia and USA, you can contact a genuine Visa Consultancy Service provider like Akkam Overseas. You can also fill our free assessment form to confirm your eligibility for immigration to your desired country. You can also drop a mail at contact@akkam.in