How to Properly Setup Your Github Repository — Mac Version

Alex Aklson
12 min readJan 30, 2019

If you wish to see this post in action, you can check this playlist on YouTube: Getting Started with Git and Github — Mac Version.

As a data scientist, I interact frequently with people who are aspiring data scientists, and usually one of my recommendations to them is to start working on projects and publishing their work and code on a public platform in order to be able to showcase their work to prospective employers. One such public platform is Github.

If you do not yet know what Github is, suffice to know that it is a development platform that provides teams, developers, and even individuals with the ability to host, review, and maintain their code and control it with version control. Also, one can fork a repository, meaning copy the source code, and then customize it for their own applications without impacting the original source code. In summary, it is an awesome platform, as being familiar with version control systems is a must-have skill for any aspiring data scientist.

However, I often get approached by aspiring data scientists having trouble with creating a Github repository and setting it up properly so that they are able to continuously save their work to the repository, or to sync it with the local version of the repository, without any issues. Therefore, I decided to write this post to walk those having difficulties with Github through the process of creating a Github repository and setting it up properly so that they are able to seamlessly sync…

