Blue Fontier, the Pioneer or Decentralized Seasteading Governance Platform

akmal asmadi
3 min readJun 7, 2018

Each country has different governments and policies governing its citizens. The policy is about rights, freedom, power, and taxes. All governed in one system of government or commonly known as the centralized government. But what happens when we live in a decentralized system? Blue Frontiers will make it very possible to do by utilizing blockchain technology.

Blue Fontiers offers a system where all rules become more flexible by creating environtmental resilience. This is aimed at solving societies and government’s problems as well as many people who are threatened because of rising sea levels. Obviously the project done by Blue Fontiers is designed very systematically and fairly by utilizing Varyon, their own digital Token.

The Blue Fontiers’ Project

1. Seasteads as Decentralizing Governance

Seastead is a place to live that floats and is in the waters of the sea. Seastead is built to create a new ecosystem to address land issues and rising seas. The main problem to be solved is the lack of innovation in the system of government. In addition, rising levels of sea level lead to reduced land area. This is the main focus of Blue Fontiers.

This project was created to be mobile and mobile. Designed using sustainable technology, seastead can manage society, city, country, network, power, with innovation. Seatead is expected to improve the life of the sea and the sea itself.

2. System and Technology

In addition to developing seastead, Blue Fontiers also utilizes and develops systems using cryptocurrency and blockchain. Innovation will be enforced under legal environtment and legal framework. This is intended to get people comfort and security based on regimes regulation wherever they are.

The development plan will focus on the effective processing of resources and environment for a long time. The company is also thinking of the best system to process waste products so as not to damage the environment. In addition, the use of blockchain technology will facilitate the community in it to form a community. So they can manage their own needs.

3. The Pilot Project and Services

The plan to be implemented is to build 14 floating platforms that have varying sizes. This platform will be connected floating walkways for easy access. Each platform has a price of about $ 5 million (USD). For service, blue Fontiers will provide logistics services, administrative logistics, tourism, cooperation programs, and so forth.

According to data from surveys that have been done, many people are interested to have a floating house or seasteading platform. So it can be assured that this project will develop very well and there will be significant demand in the future.

4. The Economic of Blue Fontiers

Blue Fontiers works with EMSI, a firm that takes care of the economic model by doing analysis. EMSI says that there will be 760 new jobs if the floating island is built. Of course this will be a positive impact for economic development. In addition, the Varyon token will facilitate the transaction process within the ecosystem. Token created based on ERC 20 standard can be used to obtain the needs and services in seastead.

For more information, visit us here :

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akmal asmadi

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