Parenting | Fatherhood | Life

A Chance Encounter with Another Dad at the Park Had Me Questioning Everything

Sometimes it’s so tempting to make everything into a competition

Andrew Knott
6 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

I met a dad at the park several years ago and it sent me into a downward spiral of depression and self-doubt. At least for a few hours.

It’s not unusual for me to run into other dads out with their kids, particularly at the park late in the afternoon, but I usually do little more than nod or say hello.

This time, though, we interacted because our kids were the same age and they started playing together immediately. This guy was extremely outgoing and energetic. He was calling my kids by name after just minutes and later coordinated and participated in a hide-and-seek game involving our four children and several others.

Later, he spun the carousel the kids were riding. When he did, he sprinted and jumped onto the back of one of the seats, holding himself parallel to the ground as he went along for the ride.

At one point, he vaulted over the perimeter fence as he ran to help his 3-year-old at the water fountain.

During a brief respite, while the kids were playing on their own, he stood, breathing heavily, bent…



Andrew Knott

Essayist, humorist, novelist. Dad of three. Editor of Frazzled. Debut novel LOVE'S A DISASTER (May 21, 2024, Bayou Wolf Press). Website: