2 min readOct 7, 2022


The amazing team behind paysenger works everyday to improve it’s features. Users are at liberty to send public request to anyone of their choice based on mutual agreement.The request and the answer to it can be published on one’s profile. Followers will see this content on the news feed, they will estimate it and comment on it. This process can also be carried out on created NFTs.Another important aspect Paysenger is tasked with is to make NFT-technology popular among the wide audience. Due to the fact that Paysenger attracts the product of such people as: experts, top-managers and netocracy with big audience; NFT will become a part of everyday life of the people who follow leaders thoughts.

Then there will be NFT-influencers that will share unique content in a narrow circle of their followers, friends and mates. Information in a narrow circle is perceived with great confidence. The experience of people from a close social environment often influences decisions. It marks emergence of a new segment of crypto audience – NFT ambassadors on the Internet, offline and wherever they can speak out and be heard.Paysenger will expand the scope of NFT. Users will be able to tokenize digital autographs, voice messages from favorite artists, block chain verified correspondence, etc.

Every minute people see something exclusive. The amount of unique content on the Web is huge, and it is almost not monetized.Often, people share their precious content via first-generation services without receiving any remuneration for it.Demand forms supply. But, in the case of second-generation services, to which Paysenger belongs, the connection is reciprocal. As soon as people realize, that their unique shots, tweets, jokes, words, memes can have a price; they will go to the NFT market.

The abundance of unique content will impact on the taste of the audience. If they are willing to pay for NFT, it means, that it is valuable. The user decides for oneself what to present in the form of NFT and how to sell it to other people. So, Paysenger will be an ideal guide in the sphere: "NFT-consumer – content producer".

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