Being spiritual can change your life

I wasn’t born with a religious mindset, but I never stopped being religious because I was brought up religiously. But it changed my life when I became serious about my faith in God.

Akshay Yadav
2 min readOct 7, 2022
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

When I was a kid, my mother worshipped God daily and also brought me to pray to God for a better life. I followed her blindly. It was like a formality for me, but somehow that formality developed into a lifestyle.

I subconsciously developed a respect for God but was unaware of God’s existence. **I don’t know whether I even believed him or not. But as I started to get older and developed an understanding of non-cognitive brain activities, I became more aware of the spiritual being in me.

Life can be hard sometimes, but will a mathematics puzzle give you the motivation to keep on going? Probably not or probably yes, but in 99% of the cases, it won’t.

These are the times when we start to grow and mature.

The same things happened in my life as well, I was struggling hard and the more problem I solve the more wait for me ahead. But since there was something programmed in my mind named “God”.

I started praying to him because somewhere in my mind I had this belief that God is the supreme one. He is the kindest, strongest, and most capable of anything. I had this image of God in my mind, and when bad things started to happen, I told myself, “God will make everything right.”

And just reminding this thing gave me the courage to move forward in life. I later started to meditate, which helped me in every possible way to improve my life.

God’s consciousness won’t let us get involved in bad deeds. When you try to do anything bad, you will hear a voice saying that God is watching everything, and you might not do that thing.

The more you think about God the happier and more relaxed you will feel. It will give you the courage to do stuff that is needed to be done.

You will gain a better understanding of your gender character. You will want to do good stuff for society and your people.

How can you be more Spiritual:

  • Praying
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Gratitude
  • Reading about God

Health Benefits of Being Spiritual

  • Better Blood pressure
  • Less Depression
  • Positive mindset
  • Ability to handle stress
  • Calm

Being spiritual is one of the best things you can manage to do especially in these modern times. Treat it like a workout if you find it hard to do in the initial phase. Keep going and soon you will see the result.

