How you can turn meditation into a Habit

In these modern times, where everything is full of distraction, it became so hard to stay focused.

Akshay Yadav
3 min readSep 27, 2022

I always heard about meditation since an early age, but I never gave it a try. I never felt like meditating, because it felt quite lame. Just sit and breath like a monk…

I was always an athletic guy; I loved the adrenaline rush in my body when I play certain sports.

The urge to run and dominate another team. So, it was kind of hard for me to meditate.

But one day I woke up at 5 am and had nothing to do, since meditation always felt like a challenge to me, I wanted to conquer it. I sat for 5 minutes and focused just beneath my nostrils to bring my attention on my breathing.

When my alarm went off, I felt amazing, like I was in rest. My mind felt calm and relaxed.

That feeling motivated me to wake up and meditate every day. I started enjoying meditation.

But why I was able to meditate so easily on my first day?

The answer lies in my lifestyle, I’m a focused guy. When I do certain task, I do it completely. I don’t get distracted easily.

And meditation is a practice of focusing. Since my mind was already used to focusing, it looked like a piece of cake.

It's when I realized why some people can’t meditate, because they practice distraction in their daily life, mobile phones, laptop, emails etc. these things disturb us.

I never turned on the notification of my cellphone, I will check my phone when I want to. I bought this phone; it didn’t buy me. So, I don’t owe it shit.

I treat my gadgets as gadgets, not some distracting piece of trash.

My point is, make focus a habit, and treat meditation as a mental workout.

Initially, every workout gives us pain and when we become use to it, they start to make us stronger. Same thing happens with the meditation.

First it will feel like a pain, but with consistent practice and discipline you will get used to it.

Once the meditation becomes a habit, you will start to feel its effects. You will feel more centered, calm and composed.

You won’t believe your potential.

What will meditation make you feel

  • Meditation will make you feel whole.
  • 10 minutes of meditation will leave lasting effects on your mind and body.
  • You won’t feel anxious and nervous.
  • Your spiritual health will increase.
  • You will feel more mindful.

How can you start meditation easily

Start with a small-time duration. Try to meditate for 2 minutes. Yes just 2 minutes.

Our mind releases dopamine when we complete certain task. It will give you motivation to do more. And without even noticing you will be able to meditate for 5–10 minutes easily.

Understand this, treat every activity like an excercise. Never afraid of any task, any task will seem easy once you start working on it.

Always meditate with a stopwatch. And start with a comfortable and easily achievable time.

You won’t want to stand-up in the middle, so make achievable goals.

Find a peaceful place to meditate and try to meditate at the same spot daily. Try to meditate where no one can see you, this might help those introvert people who don’t want to be seen trying something new.

Try some peaceful music, as some people find it easy to meditate with some peaceful music. It makes them feel less distracted.

What to do when Mind wanders

As a meditation practitioner, you will find your mind wandering elsewhere so easily. It's quite annoying, cause when you become aware of your mind not being focused, you will feel like this whole process went into vain.

But it's not so, because you were able to sit down for the decided time duration. Consider it as an achievement already.

Don’t expect too much initially. Just focus on the process, result will come later.

Just focus on the good things that you did, and you will be good to go.

I hope this little knowledge about meditation will help in meditating better…

