Porn and Masturbation: The Curse to our Generation

The cost of porn and masturbation is your masculinity.

Akshay Yadav
4 min readOct 9, 2022
Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

Living in the era of the internet and social media, it became quite hard not being able to control your lust. Many boys get the urge to masturbate and watch porn but they don’t know the consequences.

Most men are single and don’t dare to approach a woman in real life

It’s killing your sense of self and masculinity. Porn was never free of cost, you pay with your time and your masculine energy.

The more you watch porn you lose your ability to focus and concentrate on other areas of your life.

You watch porn, masturbate and regret it later.

Regretting regrets become a BIG regret.

You become depressed and won’t have a life anymore.

Modern society will tell you that it’s okay to watch porn and masturbate.

Want to know why?? Because they want you to remain weak and controllable.

The weaker you are the easier it will be for them to control you. You are doing them a favor.

Every time you masturbate, you release the life energy of your body. You can read many articles on the internet about why masturbation is important but it’s not.

Semen retention is the only important thing. You will never feel depressed or low.

With porn it became easier to see beautiful girls naked, this is making men weak.

Why would a man approach a girl when he can see more beautiful girls naked without much effort on the internet?

These men became aimless, they lack purpose and direction.

Daily porn can cause decreased libido.

Pornography is like an itch, the more you itch worse it gets but you feel good in that instant.

Being a porn addict makes you a fucking slave, and the worst thing is you know you are doing wrong but you still do it.

You won’t be able to make eye contact with a girl because you won’t have any confidence left in you.

All you would want is to see her naked but that too without any effort.

So what should you do if you find yourself a potential porn addict

If you can accept that you are a porn addict even if you are watching porn once a week you are still a porn addict.

I don’t give a fuck about what Google or a dictionary has to say about the word “Porn-Addiction”.

Only No Porn is Good Porn

The moment you feel the need to watch porn or masturbate just stand up and get in public.

Don’t spend a single moment alone when you can’t control your urge to masturbate.

If you want to have sex then earn it by approaching girls and having the confidence of talking to them and asking for their number.

Don’t be a modernized weak cunt, be a man full of the masculine trait.

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

— Hit the gym

— Socialize

— meditate

— learn some fighting skills

— play sports

— learn to become dominant so this porn shit can never enslave you.

The moment you decide to watch porn and masturbate, remember that you lost. And you will never be free.

No power is better than Will Power

You can Google all day for various methods to leave masturbation, but you won’t.

The only thing you need is the willpower to do so. The moment you decide that you won’t masturbate or watch porn anymore then you already won half battle.

Have you ever seen any guy saying, “I am watching pornography and getting off.”, what a guy.

No one is proud of that shit still watch it.

It is the cheapest use of your time and energy.

Some Final Words

Photo by Ian Chen on Unsplash

If you don’t respect your time and energy and you have no life then go watch porn and masturbate.

We should make effort about increasing awareness of this topic, this thing is killing the youth.

It’s never late, it only takes will.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

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