Aksha Agarwal
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2023


As NFTs have gained immense popularity, the demand for information and guidance in this domain has surged. This led to the rise of NFT influencers on social media platforms, with Twitter being the most significant hub for NFT enthusiasts and experts. These influencers are individuals who have deep knowledge and experience in the NFT space and have built a substantial following by sharing insights, reviews, and the latest news related to NFTs.

Why Follow NFT Influencers on Twitter?

  • Stay Updated: NFT influencers are often among the first to hear about new NFT drops, exclusive collections, and collaborations between artists and platforms. By following them, you can stay ahead of the curve and participate in exciting opportunities before they go mainstream.
  • Discover Unique NFTs: Navigating the vast NFT market can be overwhelming. NFT influencers curate and share impressive NFTs, enabling you to discover exceptional digital art, music, and other collectibles that might align with your interests.
  • Educational Insights: Whether you're a newcomer or an experienced NFT enthusiast, these influencers offer valuable educational content. They break down complex concepts, explain the intricacies of different blockchain networks, and offer insights into the long-term potential of NFTs.
  • Community Engagement: Following NFT influencers on Twitter allows you to become a part of a vibrant and passionate community. Interacting with like-minded individuals and experts can provide networking opportunities, open doors for collaborations, and foster a deeper understanding of the NFT ecosystem.
  • Investment Tips: NFT influencers often share their perspectives on potential investment opportunities. While investing in NFTs carries risks, their guidance can help you make more informed decisions and better understand market trends.
  • Notable NFT Influencers on Twitter

As the NFT space evolves rapidly, so do the influencers. The most influential names in the NFT community might change over time, but some pioneers have already made a mark. Here are a few notable NFT influencers on Twitter :

@CryptoCobain - Known for his humor and insightful takes on the NFT market.
@garyvee - A well-known entrepreneur and investor with a keen interest in NFTs and emerging technologies.
@punk4156 - A prominent collector and early adopter of CryptoPunks, one of the first NFT projects.
@beeple - A digital artist whose record-breaking NFT sales brought mainstream attention to the space.
@mattysino - A crypto analyst and NFT enthusiast sharing valuable market insights.

My personal favourite NFT Influencers portfolio you should definitely follow:

Otto Suwen https://twitter.com/OttoSuwenNFT
Mariano https://twitter.com/nanexcool
NFTnow https://twitter.com/nftnow
Zeneca33 https://twitter.com/Zeneca_33
Kid Eight https://twitter.com/_KidEight
Metaverse HQ https://twitter.com/Metaverse_HQ
OriginsNFT https://twitter.com/OriginsNFT
Worlds Greatest NFT https://twitter.com/WorldNfts
Chris https://twitter.com/PRguitarman
Giannis Sourdis https://twitter.com/Greekdx
Matt Galigan https://twitter.com/mg
David Hoffman https://twitter.com/TrustlessState
RealMissNFT https://twitter.com/RealmissNFT
BAYC https://twitter.com/BoredApeYC
DCInvestor https://twitter.com/iamDCinvestor
Colin and Samir https://twitter.com/ColinandSamir
Farokh https://twitter.com/farokh
Keyboard Monkey https://twitter.com/KeyboardMonkey3
Ryan Sean Adams https://twitter.com/RyanSAdams
NFT Truth https://twitter.com/nftfreaks
Path https://twitter.com/Cryptopathic
Mike Tyson https://twitter.com/MikeTyson
ScalyNelson https://twitter.com/punk3178
Tropo Farmer https://twitter.com/tropoFarmer
NFT https://twitter.com/NFTMansa
Cole https://twitter.com/ColeThereum
Miko Matsumura https://twitter.com/mikojava
Cobie https://twitter.com/mikojava
Andy https://twitter.com/andy8052
Darrenlautf https://twitter.com/Darrenlautf
NateAlex https://twitter.com/NateAlexNFT
Pranksy https://twitter.com/pranksy
XCOPYART https://twitter.com/XCOPYART
Ape G4ng https://twitter.com/ape_g4ng
FWB https://twitter.com/FWBtweets
Gary Vee https://twitter.com/garyvee
BankLess https://twitter.com/BanklessHQ
Camila Russo https://twitter.com/CamiRusso
Club-721 https://twitter.com/club721official
ArtChick https://twitter.com/punk2476
Beanie https://twitter.com/beaniemaxi
Matty https://twitter.com/DCLBlogger
Roham https://twitter.com/roham
Loopify https://twitter.com/Loopifyyy
Whale Shark https://twitter.com/WhaleShark_Pro
888 https://twitter.com/crypto888crypto
sassal https://twitter.com/sassal0x
richerd gm https://twitter.com/richerd
AnonyMice https://twitter.com/AnonymiceNFT
Parabolic Guy https://twitter.com/ParabolicGuy
Seedphrase https://twitter.com/seedphrase
Greis Nuccio https://twitter.com/nucciogreis
Crypto Warrior https://twitter.com/Crypt0Warr10r
Eric https://twitter.com/econoar
Takoa.eth https://twitter.com/takoa__
Skorge.eth https://twitter.com/SkorgeSp33d
gmoney https://twitter.com/gmoneyNFT
icy tools https://twitter.com/icy_tools
DeeZe https://twitter.com/DeezeFi
RTFKT https://twitter.com/RTFKTstudios
The Jiho https://twitter.com/Jihoz_Axie
KosherPlug https://twitter.com/KosherPlug

The world of NFTs continues to evolve rapidly, and Twitter has become an invaluable platform for staying informed and connected within this community. Remember, the NFT market is dynamic, so it’s crucial to keep learning and adapting to make the most of this groundbreaking technology.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.




Aksha Agarwal

Talks about #crypto #nft #web3 #strategies #skills - open for gigs - reach out to me on aksha.agarwal08@gmail.com