The Sky is Not the Limit: Going Beyond the Horizon

Akshara Vaddi
3 min readJul 31, 2023

Crayons were strewn across the miniature tables that my first grade class sat at. The papers that we drew on all had the same prompt at the top: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

My drawing was of a stick-figure with a misshapen stethoscope around its shoulders. I had written “doctor” in the blank space below my drawing with my sticky, cherry-stained hands.

When my teacher walked around to look at everyone’s aspirations, she stopped at mine and told me: “What a great career choice! The sky’s the limit.” At the time, the statement made me swell with pride.

Of course, I don’t doubt that Ms. Claypool had well-meaning intentions. She likely wanted to encourage me and express interest in my goals. However, at my current age, I can’t help but feel put off by this popular idiom.

Throughout our lives, we have been expected to reach for our dreams, which is undoubtedly a positive sentiment. Society continually tells us that the sky is our only limit. However, I personally have always questioned why this expression we use to encourage others has a limit implied within it.

If our aim is to inspire others, shouldn’t we put forth the idea that there are no limits?

The fact that we, as a society, have determined that there is a limit to human potential is telling. It reveals that the only limitations we have are self-imposed, and that we are afraid of failure. Our own inaction due to these fears are our limitations.

The journey of human exploration and discovery has shown us time and time again that the sky is not the ultimate boundary of our capabilities. From the early expeditions of brave seafarers who charted uncharted waters to the astronauts who ventured into space, we have consistently pushed the boundaries of what we once thought impossible.

Moreover, our technological advancements have propelled us into the digital age, connecting people across the globe in ways never before imagined. The internet, a product of human ingenuity, has brought information and knowledge to our fingertips, erasing barriers and expanding our horizons beyond geographical constraints. With advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnology, we are on the brink of transformative breakthroughs that will redefine what we consider possible.

It is essential to recognize that the road to success is often fraught with obstacles and setbacks. Fear of failure and self-doubt can hinder our progress, making it seem as if the sky is indeed a limit. However, it is crucial to view these hurdles not as barriers, but as stepping stones towards growth and improvement. Embracing failure as a natural part of the learning process opens doors to new possibilities and fosters resilience in the face of challenges.

As we strive to reach beyond the sky, as a society we must empower future generations with the belief that their potential knows no bounds. Encouraging young minds to dream big and embrace their passions is the foundation upon which we can build a world that continues to push the boundaries of what we once thought possible.

The sky is not, and will never be, the limit.

In conclusion, the phrase “the sky is not the limit” serves as a poignant reminder that human potential transcends the bounds of the atmosphere. With unyielding curiosity, unity, and belief in our capacity to overcome obstacles, we can continue to explore the vast expanse of the universe, both in the physical realm and the realms of the human mind. As we discard the notion of limitations and set our sights beyond the horizon, we open ourselves to a universe of endless opportunities, waiting to be discovered and harnessed for the betterment of humanity. So, I implore you today to discard the illusion that the sky is your limit, and instead believe in your own ability to reach beyond the sky. There is a boundless universe of opportunity waiting beyond the horizon.

