A Comprehensive Guide to Structuring Node.js Projects: Best Practices and Example


Akshat Gadodia
3 min readAug 27, 2023

When it comes to building robust and maintainable Node.js applications, a well-organized project structure is crucial. A thoughtfully designed project structure enhances collaboration, simplifies maintenance, and contributes to the scalability of your application. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for structuring Node.js projects and take a closer look at an example project structure available on GitHub.

You can find the project structure from Node.js Starter Project.

Why Project Structure Matters

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand why a well-defined project structure matters:

  1. Maintainability: A clear project structure makes it easier to locate and update different parts of your application. This is particularly important as your project grows.
  2. Collaboration: When working in teams, a standardized structure helps team members understand where to find specific code and resources.
  3. Scalability: A well-structured project can be easily extended without introducing unnecessary complexity.

Directory and File Structure

├── config/
│ ├── db.js
│ └── logger.js
├── constants/
├── controllers/
├── logs/
│ ├── error.log
│ └── info.log
├── middlewares/
├── models/ (One model per file, and file should be named after model)
├── public/
│ ├── images/
│ ├── videos/
│ ├── files/
│ └── ...
├── routes/
│ ├── indexRoutes.js
│ └── ... other route files (one for each model recommended)
├── scripts/
├── test/
├── utils/
├── .git/
├── docker-comose.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── package.json
├── Readme.md
├── server.js
├── .dockerignore
├── .env
├── .gitignore
└── .sample.env

Here’s a breakdown of the common components you might find in a well-structured Node.js project:Here’s a breakdown of the common components you might find in a well-structured Node.js project:

1. config: Store configuration files such as database configurations, API keys, and environment-specific settings.

2. constants: Define constants or enums that are used throughout your application.

3. controllers: Organize route handlers and logic that handle HTTP requests.

4. logs: Store log files generated by your application for debugging and monitoring.

5. middlewares: Implement middleware functions for tasks like authentication, input validation, and logging.

6. models: Define data models that interact with the database and encapsulate data logic.

7. public: Store static assets like images, stylesheets, and client-side JavaScript files.

8. scripts: Keep utility or automation scripts here, aiding in your development workflow.

9. routes: Define API endpoints and link them to the appropriate controllers.

10. test: Include a dedicated folder for tests, covering various aspects of your application.

11. utils: House utility functions or modules used across your application.

12. docker-compose.yaml: Define a multi-container Docker application, specifying services and dependencies.

13. Dockerfile: Build a Docker container image for your application.

14. package.json: Manage project metadata, dependencies, and scripts.

15. Readme.md: Document your project’s purpose, setup instructions, usage, and other relevant details.

16. server.js: Create the entry point of your application, setting up routes and starting the server.

17. .dockerignore: Exclude files from Docker images.

18. .env and .sample.env: Manage environment variables and provide sample values for newcomers.

19. .git: House Git-related information.

20. .gitignore: Specify files and directories to exclude from version control.

To illustrate these concepts in practice, we can refer to the nodejs-starter repository on GitHub. This repository demonstrates a well-structured Node.js


A well-organized project structure is essential for the success of any Node.js application. By adhering to best practices and adopting a consistent structure, you’ll not only streamline development but also ensure your project remains manageable, maintainable, and scalable. Whether you’re starting a new project or refactoring an existing one, investing time in structuring your Node.js application is a wise decision that pays off in the long run.

Additional Resources:

- Node.js Best Practices
- Express.js Documentation

I hope it will help you to create a new project structure for your clients, If you have anything else to make it more perfect kindly suggest to me.

Thank You



Akshat Gadodia

Web developer mastering Node.js, Django, React.js. Proficient in Docker, AI. Passionate about tech, sharing insights.