Understanding REST APIs

Akshat Virmani
2 min readAug 18, 2023

Application programming interfaces (API) come in many shapes and sizes, which can make it pretty difficult for newcomers to understand what they are and how they can be used. API can be of different types like Program, Local, Web, or REST API.

In this blog, we will deep dive into what REST APIs are.

What is REST API?

REST (Representational State Transfer) API is a web-based application programming interface that follows the REST architectural style, the primary purpose of rest is to provide an architecture for building web services that can be consumed by various clients including web, mobile, and desktop applications.

REST is based on HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), which is a standard protocol used for communication on the internet it uses HTTP methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) to perform various operations on the resources.

When to use REST API?

REST API is excellent when building web services that require a stateless, scalable, and easy-to-maintain architecture. It’s ideal for budling applications that require CRUD(Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It is also suitable for building applications that require real-time communication.

Benefits of REST

The benefits of using REST API are endless but some of the important ones are:

  1. They are Lightweight: REST APIs rely on the HTTP standard, which means they are format-agnostic. XML, JSON, HTML, etc. can be used with REST APIs, making them fast and lightweight — essential for development.
  2. Independent: The REST protocol allows developers to work independently on different areas of a project and test multiple developer environments as needed, by separating the data storage and UI from the server.
  3. Scalable and flexible: REST APIs allow for easy scaling and integration with minimal developer effort, thanks to the separation of client and server.


In order for enterprises to provide their services with optimal effectiveness and efficiency, the utilization of REST APIs is absolutely crucial. It’s no surprise that their adoption is projected to persist as a new wave of applications emerges.



Akshat Virmani

Organizer @GDG Dehradun | DevRel | Community Builder | Application Developer | Avid Reader | Anime Lover | Gamer