Why are tech communities important for college students

Akshat Virmani
2 min readAug 17, 2023

In this Era, joining a community is one of the best ways to connect with like-minded people, and stay up-to-date on the latest career opportunities and trends especially for college students who wants to connect, learn new things and find future career opportunities.

Before deep diving into the topic, let’s find out what tech communities are.

Tech communities are groups with a common interest in technology and a shared passion for staying up-to-date with the latest industry news, trends, and developments.

Tech communities exist both online and offline, By joining a tech community, you can gain access to valuable resources, mentorship from industry experts.

As a college student you explore different tech areas to find which interests you the most and if you are new to the technology game and want to learn new tech in limited time and wants to figure out if the technology interests you or not, you should join the local communities of your college or city to understand more about it. You can attend local meetups/events, and even if the agenda of the event is not of your interest, you still get to network people and build relationship with them and the mentors.

Some of the tech communities you should look out for:

There are few student communities program that you can apply for or be the part of it:

  1. Google Developer Student Clubs
  2. Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador
  3. GitHub Campus Experts
  4. Google Developer Groups
  5. WeMakeDevs
  6. Postman Student Expert
  7. Appwrite Heroes

Tips For Maximizing The Benefits Of Joining a Tech Community

People join communities just for the sake of “joining” them, Don’t do that. Join only those communities that interests you and can be beneficial for both you and the community. Here are some tips for maximizing the benefits of your membership:

  1. Be active and engaged
  2. Connect with others
  3. Be open to new experiences/opportunities
  4. Seek out mentorship
  5. Explore


Joining a tech community can be a powerful way to advance your career and achieve your professional goals. A tech community can provide the support and guidance you need to achieve your dreams. There’s no need to wait longer. Join a tech community, get the experience, learn new skills, surround yourself with good people and grab every opportunity that presents itself.



Akshat Virmani

Organizer @GDG Dehradun | DevRel | Community Builder | Application Developer | Avid Reader | Anime Lover | Gamer