Mastering Apache Iceberg: Optimizing Streaming and Batch Updates for Stellar Data Performance

Akshay Jain
4 min readAug 9, 2023


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are generating vast amounts of data at an unprecedented rate. Often stored in data lakes, this data serves as a treasure trove of insights that can drive strategic decision-making and innovation. However, as these data lakes grow in size and complexity, managing them efficiently becomes a critical challenge.

Enter Apache Iceberg, a revolutionary open-source technology that has emerged as a game-changer in data lake management. Iceberg addresses traditional data lake solutions' inherent complexities and limitations, offering a fresh approach that streamlines data organization, improves query performance, and enhances data reliability.

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the must-known details to improve your experience with querying data with the use of Apache Iceberg. Take it as some DOs and DON’Ts for a data engineer, analyst, or decision-maker seeking to optimize their data lake operations.

Storing datasets in Apache Iceberg format while continuously updating your table through streaming and batch modes presents a realm of possibilities for efficient data management. Unlocking the true potential of this approach demands a strategic mindset and an adept utilization of Iceberg’s capabilities. In this guide, we explore some of the most potent strategies for maximizing the performance of your Iceberg-powered table, backed by real-world examples that exemplify their impact.

  1. Intelligent Partitioning Strategy 📂 :
    Choose a partitioning strategy that resonates with your data access patterns and query requirements. Partition columns with high cardinality and balanced data distributions often yield the best results. If a single partition column doesn’t suffice, consider integrating bucketing to evenly distribute data and improve storage efficiency. For instance, if you’re managing a sales dataset, partitioning by date and bucketing by region could be a winning combination.
    Example: Partitioning a clickstream dataset by date, with bucketing based on user segments, can significantly enhance query performance when analyzing user behavior over time.
  2. Harness Iceberg’s Schema Evolution 🔄:
    Leverage Iceberg’s schema evolution capabilities to avoid excessive filtering operations within SQL queries. By accommodating schema changes gracefully, you minimize the need for intricate transformations during querying, leading to optimized performance.
    Example: When dealing with evolving customer data, a schema evolution approach ensures the smooth integration of new attributes without disrupting ongoing analyses.
  3. Compression for Efficiency 📦:
    Reduce storage overhead by employing Iceberg’s data and metadata compression features. Utilize Iceberg Actions such as rewrite-dataset and remove-orphan files to eliminate redundant data and expired snapshots, optimize file sizes and enhance read-write performance.
    Example: Compressing historical financial data within an Iceberg table not only conserves disk space but also accelerates analytical queries on vast datasets.
  4. Leverage Required Properties 🏷️:
    Tailor your data storage and retrieval by harnessing Iceberg’s support for specifying required properties. This practice ensures that you’re storing only the essential data in the most efficient manner.
    Example: Storing medical sensor readings with essential metadata allows precise analysis of critical health trends while minimizing unnecessary data retrieval.
  5. Incremental Processing for Efficiency ➕:
    Embrace Iceberg’s incremental processing capabilities to extract and process only the data that has changed between two snapshots. This approach streamlines data ingestion and reduces processing overhead.
    Example: Continuously updating stock market data can be efficiently managed by focusing on incremental changes, and facilitating real-time analytics on market trends.
  6. Bloom Filters for Data Reduction 🌸:
    Improve query performance by incorporating Bloom filters, which limit the data that needs to be scanned. Filter out irrelevant data during write operations to optimize subsequent read queries.
    Example: By using Bloom filters to pre-select relevant user demographics, marketing campaigns can be fine-tuned for specific customer segments, enhancing campaign effectiveness.
  7. Predicate Pushdown Optimization ⚙️:
    Reduce disk reads by implementing predicate pushdown, which filters data at the source before it’s read from the disk. This technique minimizes unnecessary data loading, enhancing query efficiency.
    Example: When analyzing e-commerce transactions, pushing down filters for specific product categories ensures that only pertinent data is read, expediting transaction analysis.
  8. Stay Current with Iceberg Updates 🚀:
    Embrace the latest advancements and improvements in Iceberg by frequently updating to newer versions. Staying up-to-date ensures you’re benefiting from enhanced features and optimized performance.

Remember, the key to mastering Iceberg lies in a dynamic blend of strategic planning and adept utilization of its features. By aligning your data management practices with these strategies and real-world examples, you can unleash the true power of Apache Iceberg and elevate your data-driven endeavors to new heights.

For an in-depth exploration, refer to the official documentation.

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Akshay Jain

Writer by choice and developer by passion. Hala Madrid ❤ | SDE, The Modern Data Company