Akshay Salvi
3 min readNov 5, 2019


Do you know what, Social media marketing success is an attainable goal for your Business?


I can easily tell you in just one sentence like how to do. So ears on? Well, regardless of what your business is, all you have to do is share valuable info to your target audience & get them engaged on various social media sites. But, you’ll need to make your journey to achieve success in social media marketing. Let me explain in the following 4 sentences.

Define your Social Media Strategy like what goal you want to achieve using social media, who do you want to attract and so on.

Social media marketing is simply driving brand awareness and traffic from social media sites leading to some sort of a sale or a lead — regardless of your business using social media the best way can easily get you more traffic, leads, and sales.

1. Make Social Media Positioning, which means how would you be representing on the platforms. Usually, this includes your business messaging and your voice. Make use of both powerful elements.

Importance of Social Media Marketing-

Social Media Marketing is important because it reaches your blog or article to a wider audience so that if your blog or article was seen by thousands and if only a hundred clicks and views your blog or article then you successfully generated traffic and grow your business.

And this is done by sharing your services or products on social sites. So that the question arises on how to manage your social account? And how to post on social media?

How to post on social media-

1. Firstly optimize your profile:

2. Update post regularly:

Update post regularly on social media

3. Your social media account is active:

4. Customize your website’s content:

2. Create Content: Include your product info, answers your customer’s questions and make it entertaining. Make use of different content formats like e-books, infographics, videos, etc.

3. Include business basics. All sales do not happen on social media. So include your contact number, website URL, Address & other details.

4. Build Relationship: This is one basic and mandatory thing. This is an investment in the long run. The strong the relationship you build, the more the trust you gain.

It’s clear that social media marketing has its benefits, so if your business doesn’t already have the appropriate profiles, create them! Fill out your business’ information and post some engaging content to begin increasing followers. As mentioned, ask people related to your business to “like” and “share” your page to help build your profile. With consistent updating, the best social media marketing strategy will lead to increased traffic, better SEO, higher conversion rates, improved brand loyalty, and much more. There are practically no reasons not to implement social media into your marketing strategy. Since it is so cost-effective, there is rarely anything to lose. Your competition is most likely already on social media, so don’t let them know your potential customers. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see an increase in your business.

