Jetpack Compose Ep:6 — Floating Action Button App

Akshay Sawant
Kotlin Mumbai
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020

Introducing in a sweet and simple way about Floating Action Button and its attributes using a proper structure.

Jetpack Compose Ep6 — Floating Action Button App

To learn the know or learn about the previous episode, than visit to the below link. Source code of this project is available in the article itself.

Note: In this project, I’m using Android Studio 4.1 Canary 10 with a gradle plugin of classpath “”. It may change accordingly with the time, so please do check the current version to avoid version related issues.

What is a Floating Action Button?

A floating action button is also known as FAB in short. It’s a button which represents the primary action of a screen.

Parameters of Floating Action Button

It has some parameter and they are as follow:

  • modifier — It is used to apply padding to the FAB.
  • onClick — It is called when an user clicks on it. But, if the onclick is null, the FAB will be disabled.
  • shape — It provides shape to the FAB
  • backgroundColor — It is used to change the background color of the FAB
  • contentColor — It is used to change the color of the content it holds.
  • elevation — It is used to control the shadow below the button by provided a custom elevation in DP.
  • icon — It is used to set an icon on the FAB.

Now, let’s begin by creating a ComposableLayout.kt interface and create a custom function named FloatingActionButtonBuild() by declaring it over here as shown below:

interface ComposableLayout {

fun FloatingActionButtonBuild(
mModifier: Modifier? = null,
mShape: Shape? = null,
mBackgroundColor: Color? = null,
mContentColor: Color? = null,
mElevation: Dp? = null,
mIcon: VectorAsset? = null,
mIconModifier: Modifier? = null,
mIconTint: Color? = null

Similarly, create a new class file named as ComposableComponent.kt and the implement the interface file ComposableLayout.kt into it. Override the method here and define it over here as shown below:

class ComposableComponent : ComposableLayout {

override fun FloatingActionButtonBuild(
mModifier: Modifier?,
mShape: Shape?,
mBackgroundColor: Color?,
mContentColor: Color?,
mElevation: Dp?,
mIcon: VectorAsset?,
mIconModifier: Modifier?,
mIconTint: Color?
) {
onClick = {

modifier = mModifier ?: Modifier.padding(0.dp),
shape = mShape ?: CircleShape,
backgroundColor = mBackgroundColor ?: Color.DarkGray,
contentColor = mContentColor ?: Color.Black,
elevation = mElevation ?: 0.dp,
icon = {
mIcon?.let {
asset = it,
modifier = mIconModifier ?: Modifier.padding(0.dp),
tint = mIconTint ?: Color.Black


Then, move to the MainActivity.kt file and create a custom function named as DefaultFloatingActionButtonComponent() as shown below:

fun DefaultFloatingActionButtonComponent() {
Default Floating Action Button

Now, to provide a custom color, create a ColoredFloatingActionButtonComponent() function as shown below:

fun ColoredFloatingActionButtonComponent() {
mBackgroundColor = Color.Red
Colored Floating Action Button

Create a function named IconFloatingActionButtonComponent() to render a Icon on the button as shown below:

fun IconFloatingActionButtonComponent() {
mIcon = Icons.Default.CheckCircle,
mIconModifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
mIconTint = Color.Yellow
Icon Floating Action Button

Now, create a ShapeFloatingActionButtonComponent() function to display a FAB in a distinct shape as shown below:

fun ShapeFloatingActionButtonComponent() {
mShape = RectangleShape,
mBackgroundColor = Color.Blue,
mIcon = Icons.Default.Call,
mIconModifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
mIconTint = Color.White
Shape Floating Action Button

Lastly, create a ElevatedFloatingActionButtonComponent() function to render an elevated FAB as shown below:

fun ElevatedFloatingActionButtonComponent() {
mBackgroundColor = Color.White,
mElevation = 16.dp,
mIcon = Icons.Default.ShoppingCart,
mIconModifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
mIconTint = Color.Red
Elevated Floating Action Button

Call all the functions in the scope of the setContent() function by wrapping it with AppTheme() as shown below:

AppTheme {
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly,
horizontalGravity = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
) {

Finally, run the code. The result will look like this:

For the source code, visit to my Github account given below:

If there is any issue, do let me know in the comment section.

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Happy coding!

