How I Plan to Make the Most of 2022 (& You can too)

Akshita Sood
4 min readJan 1, 2022


Only about 1% of people are able to follow through with their New Year’s goals, and until now, I, unfortunately, haven’t been able to come even remotely close to them. But this year, I will be setting some realistic expectations, and sharing everything here on Medium to keep a better check on myself. You, too, can take inspiration from my plan and chalk out a 2022 plan for yourself.

Let me start by wishing all the readers a very Happy New Year and hoping that this year goes way better than the beginning of 2019 (yes, I went that far ‘cos the last 2.5 years didn’t go too well for anyone).

A small note for those who think I mustn’t be sharing my goals with others: I’m doing so deliberately to set a challenge for myself by sharing my 2022 goals for every month. This blog is supposed to help me keep a check on myself, and maybe even for others seeking inspiration for goal setting.


The beginning of the year is when I, like most others, is highly motivated and end up setting unrealistic goals. But, I plan to go slow this time. My first goal for Jan is to limit myself to reading just 2 fiction books (I have been reading 2 a week until now) and make sure to complete at least 1 non-fiction that’s been gathering dust on my bookshelves.

The next goal is to complete a 21-day Yoga challenge that I signed up for last week and give more time to my health. I’ll try to extend it to the entire 31 days.

My third goal will be to get active on Twitter and build my profile there and on LinkedIn too. I’d also be posting 1 blog every couple of days here on Medium to start building my writing portfolio with works published under my name.


Since February is usually when we plan a family holiday, I intend to continue with my reading challenge of January. And I’ll also be posting more on Medium, LinkedIn and Twitter. For Feb, I am challenging myself to 50 blogs posts on Medium (apart from regular client work) and 60 new tweets.


Since it’s my birthday month, I plan to make my 1st stocks investment after learning about them before the 28th (‘cos that’s when my birthday is). Rest, I’ll try to focus on getting new clients, reading at least 1 non-fiction, keeping up with Yoga, and of course, posting a blog every 2 days on Medium.


It’s the beginning of a new financial year, which means planning a new strategy to increase my earnings. I’m going to approach more high paying clients since by now I’ll have a satisfactory portfolio here on Medium and hopefully a well-built LinkedIn and Twitter profile. I’ll use any spare time to finish writing my books (I’m working on two different plots/stories right now).


The longer days of summers will mean more time to writing. So, apart from regular work, I plan to complete and publish both my books (on Wattpad for now, will share a link as soon as I’ve hit the publish button).

Also, I’ll start learning a new skill like photo editing or video making (haven’t decided one as yet)


The hot weather means getting up earlier in the mornings. For June i’ll be challenging myself to get up by 5–5:30 every morning, and spend the extra time doing some more exercise, completing all the work earlier to enjoy some extra family time during evenings.

After 25th June, I’ll also re-evaluate how much I’ve succeeded in keeping up with my goals, and maybe, even make changes to the plans for following months. I’ll highlight the changes clearly in this blog post.


Another month for 50+ blogs on medium, and will challenge myself to do something unique on LinkedIn too. To make the most of the skill I started learning in May, I’ll start a YouTube channel and share what all I’ve learnt, either through animated videos, or if I am confident enough, I’ll start recording videos of myself.


I’m hoping to have read about 6 non-fic books by now, and this means I’ll be starting with another blog to detail what I’ve learnt from them and maybe even share some of my experiences/emotions in the last 7 months.

I’ll also start working on a new book/plot/storyline. Don’t know what it will be though.


I want to dedicate September wholly to my 3rd book, which means I won’t be doing anything else, except for working with existing clients at that time. And maybe, I’ll write 10–15 blogs for Medium.


I don’t think I’ll plan anything for the last quarter right now. Also, since it’s the time for a lot of Hindu festivities, so I’ll be completely occupied in that. But, I will keep publishing on Medium, engaging on LinkedIn and Twitter, reading 2 books a month (at least 1 non-fiction), and posting my progress here at the end of every month.


So, that’s all about my plans, and I do hope to follow this through. I’d love to know what all you guys have planned (if you are willing to share), and hoping I could accomplish a good name for myself in the next 6 months.

For those wondering, The blogs I intend to share on Medium will be from Digital marketing, tech, healthcare, food and fashion niches. I might explore something new, but for now, these are the only areas I have gained some experience in.

Wishing you all a very productive and Happy New Year!!!



Akshita Sood

Freelance content writer by profession; I love penning my thoughts down, Reading, & listening to music. Chocolate is my weakness, given to me in any form. 😋😋