Project on Data AnalyticsThis document consists of various links of projects created using tools like Power Bi , Tableau and working on languages like Python and…Dec 12, 2023Dec 12, 2023
Zomato Analysis using Power BIThis Project is made on Power BI tool using zomato dataset with complete observation and conclusion included.Dec 10, 2023Dec 10, 2023
IMDB and Netflix Co-relation using Power BIThis Project is made on Power BI using 2 datasets and a co-relation is presented between the two dataset along with complete observation…Dec 9, 2023Dec 9, 2023
Project made on 6 different dataset using TableauThis Project is made using Tableau on 6 dashboards with detailed analysis presented with observation and conclusion.Dec 9, 2023Dec 9, 2023
Overview on WW2 using PythonThis Project is made on Python and detailed query structure is presented along with complete observation and conclusionDec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
Project made on SQL using 6 different dataset along with analysisThis Project is made on SQL using 6 datasets and detailed query structure is presented along with complete description.Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
Case Study : Analysis of Mandarin Prices with Power BIMandarins contain Vitamins A, B, and a high level of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, prevents infections…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023