Conway’s Game of Life as a Starter

Akshit Jain
2 min readJul 6, 2017


Working as a professional for a year taught me many technical things that i am really proud of but the thing that was lagging in that one year was the question “why” was i doing those things.Doing things with proper reason and arguments are very important as far as clarity and knowledge is concerned and many few follow this thing and that is too unfortunate.Starting the first day of bootcamp with this mindset was both a challenge and an adventure.

How would one feel if he is served a plate full of cheese balls in the very early of a dinner as a starter(not for cheese haters😜).Conway’s Game of Life was alike those cheese balls that we had as a starter to a grand dinner of bootcamp. A very precise problem for a fresh grad in the early start of his/her career.A problem that can be well designed, well planned in terms of aestheticism, memory management, time complexity and simulation aspect.A small problem that can really force programmers to think more openly with lot of unique testcases. Most importantly, it fulfills the basic motive of making learn language basics faster because it involves the usage of just basic data structures and I/O operations.That is surely one of the work ,starters are for i.e giving a idea of how the dinner would be like😉.

The code review part with all new fresh minds thinking and approaching a problem gave us more insight on “why” part of the solution because of answering and arguing on not so much relevant but yet relevant in terms of clearing out the basics.Secondly , aligning our technical aspects with non technical aspects like arguing, reasoning, thinking, speaking, building confidence is equally importantly in building ourselves as we grow in the career and that is exactly where the bootcamp is heading us to.

Now just cant wait to have some good dinner with best desserts in place.😊😊

