Akt Samuel
5 min readNov 13, 2018



The cryptocurrency usage has been spread all over the corner, its uses become more vital in daily activities, though the cryptocurrency and blockchain is no more new to the individual again, some don’t know yet the real meaning and works of the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, and also the differences from what we called fiat currency.

The Blockchain technology is a decentralized network and which is distributed across the node, and which make it impossible to be compromised by any single node, and in other words, it can be seen as a chain of little bits of data and which are called blockchain, and with this blockchain technology has remain differ from the other centralised networks base on the fact that the blockchain technology do not have a Server or a specific headquarters like the other centralized networks in which isolated information can exist in Silo.

The uses of blockchain technology by all the nodes and in form of processing information, in another way each node has to generate communicable links to each other in communicating with blockchain technology, and what blockchain does is to rotate and supervise each node and anyone not functioning according to the expectation will be isolated.

And let’s look at the fiat currency with the cryptocurrency, and reviewing the fiat currency will make the cryptocurrency easier.

The fiat currency is an acceptable issued money that is supported by the government as an act of exchange and in which the central bank is always in charge of its regulation, an in another way, the Cryptocurrency can be referred to as a coin or a token, which stand as a digital asset, and this has no specific format to recognizing their users.

But this crypto-currency has spread in the community today and it has gained a lot of popularity and in which the different form of investors have been making use of it as a form of investing, and more also different users in form of carrying out am exchange, ie through the cryptocurrency exchange, but the existing different types of cryptocurrency that exist now have been cresting slot of problems for their users in act of losing different amount of their investment cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin (BTC)Lltecoin(LTC)and among other.

And with the present problems generating by the different cryptocurrency, it has made it difficult for the individual buyers and seller to partake without any form of fears, for instance, the estimation of the lost in which the Bitcoin cost in each hour is about the 50% of any transaction made, and this has brought up some sets of individual marketing experts in setting up BITCOINBING as a cryptocurrency messiah and deliverer.


The BITCOINBING, has been stated earlier, it been set up to erase all the fear been passing through in the process of using the cryptocurrency by providing all the necessary tools available.

The most important things in which the BITCOINBING has put into a process that has made it more unique from other forms of cryptocurrency is the uses of the blockchain technology, and with this, it makes the individual transaction secure.


The uses of the smart contract have also be set in contact, which will be giving both customers and the trader an opportunity to trade peer to peer and without the help of the third party, and this will help to build trust and also make transaction fast and easy.

More also the BITCOINBING has also made it possible for all the traders, the uses of the Risk Management, this will be helping all the traders to know the right times to go for trading and more also it will be protecting the traders aging the incoming marketing problems.


The BITCOINBING will be helping in securing the individual account, through the uses of the blockchain technology, it will be helping in securing the individual transaction, and more also the uses of KYC will also be effective.

The uses of the BITCOINBING will also be helping in the compelling information of the individual users and this will make it possible for the individual to know and keep in case of any information will be making use of in the future.

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