Akt Samuel
5 min readNov 10, 2018


The financial industry increases and becoming more dangerous and fearful to enter by some investors because of daily negative reports over the industry on insecurity, in which some are not generally revealed and some cannot be hide base on the loss that they experienced.

Since the introduction of the cryptocurrency many investors and users have found it more preferable in using, and many people are now in the crypto market, the popularity of cryptocurrency all over the world in making use, in carrying out a different form of trade has gone in a long way to help in developing the cryptomarket.

But is no more hiding that the cryptocurrency processes that was seen and traded base on the fact that, the system of trading with the cryptocurrency is faster than the system of using the fiat currency, and it has also created a high level of convenience for all its trader in compare to any form of trading in the world, these uncommon features of cryptocurrency has drawn a lot of attention of it to the people, and this has now made it possible for the majority of the people to join the crypto market.

But is getting quite unfortunate that the more the crypto-market is becoming crowding the more is becoming more difficult to secure, the insecurity of cryptocurrency is getting high to the extent of leading to different loss of millions of dollars in every year, and with this it becomes so scary for some other investors to invest their money there, and all those that have the highest cheer are also scare every day not to lose it to the hackers or the intruders.

The cryptocurrency is very important, it has great features which can’t be compared to the fiat ways of trading, and sensibly speaking, leaving the cryptocurrency market for the lack of its security to the previous fiat currency system, that even have high level of insecure than this of cryptocurrency is not a buy ideal, and coping with this insecurity that may also lead to any form of loss in any particular time, even go with all the entire investment of investors, is also too bad to follow, and with all these considerations by the experts of finance, they decided to generate another cryptocurrency exchange, since the exchange system will determine how secure how their platform will be on trading cryptocurrency or not, and the expert of finance have concluded in using FINANCEX to solve all the insecurity problems on cryptocurrency market.


The FINANCEX system of exchange is been created or formulated with the capacity of carrying out the crypto exchange in all level with a great and perfect way of security, and which will help the individual crypto users to have rest of mind in their crypto trade.

FINANCEX remain a perfect a secure exchange trading platform base on its foundation, FINANCEX has been founded on the blockchain technology, and this has to make it more secure than any of the existing crypto exchange platform, for example comparing FINANCEX with another form of exchange in security, for all these are not equipped with the blockchain technology,


The major problems facing the different crypto exchange in securing cryptocurrency come from the point of their wallet procedures, and FINANCEX has taken this as their priority in working over the information and any movement occurring in their wallet through these processes.

Making use of FINANCEX, any sign-in to the new IP or Device, there will be a form of notification.

More also the FINANCEX has also made it possible whereby, full log that traces any access and audit trail changes to important data.

FINANCEX has made the KYC verification very important and mandatory.

FINANCEX will also be working to secure cryptocurrency by using two-factor authentication.


The FINANCEX will be making use of cold wallet to store coins for the proper security, and this will go a long way in securing the individual asset.

More also the FINANCEX will be securing their web with SSL and DDOS protection, and for the proper account and transaction, the FINANCEX will be making use of FNX token.

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