Chinese scientists have created a monkey that contains two different DNA sets.

Javed Khan
1 min readSep 14, 2024
( Witty images )

Interesting features were observed in this monkey, such as its fingerprint and eyes glowing green. Unfortunately, this chimera only lived for 10 days, as it suffered respiratory failure and hypothermic body temperature. To create this unique monkey, scientists combined two different fertilized eggs of the same species.

This resulted in a monkey that contained DNA from both sets. Incorporation of donor cells into different body parts ranged from 21% to 92%, which was much higher than previous experiments. The scientists labeled the stem cells with a green fluorescent protein to track their growth.

They injected these cells into monkey embryos, which were then implanted into female monkeys. Out of 12 pregnancies, 6 monkeys survived. Although chimeras have been created before, this is the first successful live birth of a monkey chimera using ``stem cells''.

Although there are ethical concerns over this type of research, many believe that the benefits of more accurate disease models outweigh these concerns. Using lab-modified stem cells, scientists can create more accurate disease models, which will help them understand disease progression and test potential new treatments.


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