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Redefining Happiness: Embracing Authentic Fulfillment

Tony Kurbanali


The authentic joy within


Happiness, a concept deeply woven into the fabric of human culture and individual aspirations, often dances on the edges of our understanding. In pursuit of this elusive state, shaped by societal norms and personal expectations, it becomes crucial to question whether we grasp the true essence of happiness or inadvertently cling to a distorted version.

Subjectivity of Happiness:

At its core, happiness is a subjective state unique to each person. Societal norms and cultural expectations significantly influence what is deemed a “happy life,” sometimes steering individuals away from their authentic selves. Striving to meet societal standards can create a duality, where people present a polished version of their lives, concealing the genuine complexities and struggles underneath.

Media Influence and Unrealistic Standards:

In the age of social media, the portrayal of happiness often takes on an unrealistic sheen. Images of seemingly flawless lives and unattainable standards saturate our online spaces, prompting individuals to measure their joy against these distorted benchmarks. This constant comparison fosters restlessness as people chase an idealized version of happiness that might be neither genuine nor sustainable.

Commercialization of Joy:

The commercialization of happiness has turned joy into a commodity, linking it to material possessions and external achievements. This mindset perpetuates an unending cycle of desire, where individuals believe that acquiring the next “thing” or achieving the next milestone will be the key to their elusive happiness. In reality, only pursuing material goals leaves individuals feeling empty, as the fleeting pleasure from possessions quickly fades.

Psychology and Embracing the Spectrum of Emotions:

Human psychology, driven by evolutionary instincts, tends to associate happiness with the absence of suffering. This binary perspective oversimplifies the intricate spectrum of emotions, neglecting the richness that arises from embracing the full range of experiences. Understanding that happiness coexists with the complexity of our human emotions can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Overcoming FOMO and Embracing Individual Paths:

The fear of missing out (FOMO) contributes to the relentless pursuit of happiness. In an interconnected world, individuals constantly compare their lives to others, fostering a sense of inadequacy and a fear of not living up to their potential. Overcoming this fear involves recognizing the uniqueness of individual paths and appreciating personal journeys rather than chasing trends or social events to avoid perceived unhappiness.


In conclusion, the redefinition of happiness requires a shift in societal narratives. Encouraging individuals to explore their unique paths to contentment and appreciate the full spectrum of human emotions is to be nurtured. By understanding happiness on a personal level, individuals can break free from societal expectations and cultivate a more genuine and lasting sense of fulfillment.



Tony Kurbanali

Hello. I am an artist and an amateur writer. I like writing short fiction and articles that focus on enlightement. I live in San Francisco, CA