oke babatunde
4 min readAug 12, 2019

Over the years, cryptocurrency has started gaining ground as the new method of payment in most business interactions. In this view, I decided to bring to the notice of my readers and all Crypto enthusiast about the new project that will take over the Crypto sphere, it is called Temtum.

What is Temtum?

Temtum is a temporal, new lightweight, peer to peer cryptocurrency that creates an opportunity for the entire universe to do away from the centralised system which pose a lot of issue to investors.

Temtum is designed to take care of a number of issue faced by Crypto investors and not only do they take of many cryotocurrency issue but also create an organised blockchain community in the most mechanically progressed of fate, where speed, scalability, security and high asset necessities are most relevant. Temtum has summarised all the problems in cyrptocurrency to simplest terms and ensuring they become a thing of the past due to the highly experienced teams it has gather in executing the project.

Temporal Blockchain technology changes the way the blockchain works by reproducing how distributed systems scale. It works with less power, vitality and capacity, and procedures transactions on exceptionally low-resourced gadgets at incredibly high speeds, with an unmatched level of security. The Temtum network can be scaled quickly and at negligible expense. Temtum takes out the requirement for centralised pools of specialised hardware, conveying a blockchain network that is environmentally conscious and can be kept running on any gadget associated with the web even a cell phone.

What led to the creation of Temtum?

The Temtum team understands that cryptocurrency needs an advancement because the centralised system is not sufficient to provide enough survival to the Crypto space hence the need to create a more standard and decentralised system that will change the face of the entire blockchain community. Temtum creates a framework where transactions will be secure, traceable, and straightforward. This, it will accomplish utilizing the quantum assault safe engineering that its specialists are known for.
Also, TemTum intends to build up a future that will be environment friendly. The platform has seen this positive future as well as it has planned the innovation, assembled it, tried it, and mapped out how it will execute it in reality.


As discussed earlier, the Temtum system will bring about speed, scalability, low resource, and security.

•Speed:- Temporal network accompanies unmatched speed controlled by a current blockchain innovation. The netw,,,ork has accomplished up to 120,000 TPS in its lab environment and theoretically boundless, legitimately impacted by the size of the network. The ultra-lightweight architecture, productivity and consensus of exchanges on Temporal prompts unimaginable check speed.

• Scalability (Low resource nodes):-
Temporal takes into consideration transient information stockpiling on hubs, while keeping the trustworthiness of the blockchain and its full history. With its consensus algorithm, transactions never again need to go to each hub. Rather, they are sent straightforwardly to the pioneer hub. Consequently, no wasted resources are spent on unnecessary duplication of messages. The decrease away and handling force makes conceivable the investment in the network from low-resource devices, while utilizing less vitality than existing blockchain innovation .

• Security (Quantum secure):-
Uniquely developed around the NIST guide, Temporal can communicate full-entropy bit-strings in squares of 512 bits at regular intervals. This steady strategy for creating arbitrariness, capriciousness, and consistency makes a key that is hypothetically difficult to pre-comput. Temporal's quantum mechanics and the utilization of light over processors, make a degree of irregularity at no other time experienced in registering. Moreover, Temporal network topology and security usage has been tried by Crest licensed
firm BSI, a few times and observed to be profoundly secure, robust, and affirms the platform cases.

•Low-resource (Consensus Algorithm):-
TemTum's consensus algorithm expels the prerequisite for mining and wipes out the requirement for very inefficient and prohibitive agreement conventions
for example, Proof-of-Work. Proof - of-Work right now requires trillions of futile. energy-intensive computational figurings so as to approve exchanges. With TemTum's one of a kind conse, ,nsus algorithm, it is conceivable to lessen this to a solitary computation that every hub can autonomously figure and touch base at a similar outcome.


Temtum will create a better environment for cryptocurrency. If temtum comes to play, it bring a more environmentally friendly, straightforward, discernible, secure and solid system than existing cryptocurrencies, therefore it should be adopted and endorsed by all Crypto enthusiasts who’s interested in seeing a more simple and easy disseminating platform.

For more information visit:

WEBSITE: https://temtum.com/

TELEGRAM: http://t.me/temtum_official

WHITEPAPER ON ENGLISH: https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/wearetemtum




