Temtum- The new glory of blockchain.

oke babatunde
3 min readAug 12, 2019

In the recent world blockchain and cryptocurrency helps individuals to get of third either in executing a bank transaction or other electronic payment systems. The blockchain system is controlled by early miners who has made large fortunes from mining bitcoin and it will be difficult and almost impossible for ordinary person to compete in this system. Therefore, a more profitable option for generating income from the digital market is their purchase, trading on exchanges. But at the same time revealed some disadvantages of this technology in the form of the need for scalability of the network, increasing the speed of transactions, reducing fees under heavy loads.

The Bitcoin transaction network often takes a long time to be confirmed and requires an enormous amount of energy, producing a loud noise and large memory creating a congested environment and unpleasant experience.

It is justified to say that such problems encountered repel people from the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life and it thus hinder the use of innovative ideas and technology on a global scale. This makes it difficult for people to store money or assets without a third party.

The solution to all the difficulties and shortcomings encountered above is creating a project called Temtum. We shall look at what Temtum is all about in details.

This blockchain is created by Dragon Infosec and is called Temporal and allows each user to maintain its functioning without the need to spend a lot of energy and makes it possible to do without intermediary providers to perform financial transactions at any distance.

The Advantage of Temtum.

Temtum brings a great step forward with technology capable of changing the way that value is exchanged and stored in the world One of the biggest advances is that Temtum can run on almost any connected device. with the internet - including smartphones and IoT devices, cars and unmanned aircraft. The integration in the BMW i8 with the Temtum network is the first in the world for car use as a full node in the network, without hardware upgrades. This helps ordinary people to also have access to the benefits of blockchain technology.

Temtum has a solution

It is logical to say the problem encountered in the blockchain is lack of security, availability and low speed of confirmation which scares people away from cryptocurrency. The invention of Temtum has brought a solution to these problems encountered and we shall be taking a look at how it will overcome the difficulties by studying its advantage.

Speed: temtum hаvе created а highly efficient Consensus Algorithm аnd removed block size limitations іn order tо confirm transactions іntо а block extremely quickly, wіth а maximum confirmation time оf 12 seconds. Onсе included іn а block, а transaction іѕ confirmed

Scalability: Temtum creates a temporary blockchain that eliminates the need to store the entire chain history on all nodes by locally archiving the data. This action will lead to a significant reduction in the resource requirements and infinite scalability.

Security: Temtum described as a quantum blockchain uses a photon source for genuine random number generation alongside next generation hashing algorithms . These prevents the network from theoretical attacks and various malwares encountered in the popular blockchain system.


The invention of Temtum will become the new glory of blockchain technology with all the features it possess. It becomes a concept of possiblity for any industry in the world to use an innovative network that is scalable,secure, fast and low transaction cost. This is what the blockchain and the entire world has been waiting for. The Temtum has a highly innovative team members, a working product, the capital to bring the project to realisation and a reliable partners that a top-notch in the technological sphere.

Website: https://temtum.com/
Whitepaper: https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/temtumcommunity

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum

Author’s Bitcointalk username : Akurasy

Author’s Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2476465

