The Oldest Religion

Alan Yarborough
2 min readDec 24, 2022


The oldest form of religion known to humanity is animism, which is thought to have emerged at least 70,000 years ago. Animism is the belief that all natural objects, including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects, have a spirit or soul. This belief is based on the idea that everything in the natural world is interconnected and has a fundamental spiritual essence.

Animism is thought to be the oldest form of religion because it predates the development of organized religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. It is also found in a wide variety of cultures around the world, including indigenous cultures in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Australia.

There is evidence that animism played a central role in the development of other religions. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that their gods were present in the natural world and could be worshipped through the creation of shrines and the performance of rituals. Similarly, the ancient Greeks believed that their gods and goddesses were present in the natural world and could be worshipped through the performance of rituals and the creation of altars.

Animism is still practiced by many people around the world today, particularly in indigenous communities. It is often closely tied to traditional cultural practices and is seen as a way of maintaining a connection to the spiritual world and the natural environment.

Overall, animism represents an important part of the history of religion and continues to play a significant role in the spiritual lives of many people around the world. It is a testament to the enduring human desire to connect with the spiritual world and to understand the fundamental mysteries of life and death.

Photo by Om Prakash Sethia on Unsplash



Alan Yarborough

Soldier turned entrepreneur, writer and academic. Interests: Trail Running, the Ocean and Travel.