Al-Khem’s Alchemy

Al-Khem The Alchemist
4 min readAug 8, 2023


My alchemical approach lies on the balancing of mind/body/soul, while asking for angelic support (prayer).

This means that I actively work to balance/keep healthy the worlds of mind/body/spirit, while acting upon the understanding that I am just a human, and that there is a Higher Force that lends us help, as long as we ask for it. One of the most important laws of our universe is the Law of Free Will, which means outside of extraneous or imperative catalytic events, that no Higher Force will infringe upon the Free Will of an individual.

So help will only be offered if we ask for it. Well, help may still be given, even if people don’t ask for it, but more help is offered if asked!

I want to make the prayer/spirit point as early as possible, for without God’s assistance then it is easy to get lost in our own ego/successes/gratification. We are all here for a reason. We are here to support each other. Every action we take lives on forever through time/space, so there is a deep and definite meaning to life. Just by mastering our mind/body/soul, and holding great influence of the world, doesn’t automatically mean that we will eventually seek connection with God in the future. There are many paths to destruction. Time is precious.

At the heart of it all, the alchemy taught on these writings is alchemy of the sacred spiritual gold — not of the physical, material gold. That is not to say that materialism will be shun — no. Gold can be used for good — for ourselves, our loved ones, our society, and ultimately the planet. But at the end of the day, all we have is a gift from God, all we will have will come from God, and we are not above It.

The heart of it all, the true Philosopher’s Stone, the golden enlightenment, comes from keeping God in the root of every thought, action, and word that we say. Every gift and blessing that we receive, we can impart to ourselves, our loved ones, and those around us. Give, and you shall receive tenfold.

This may be difficult for some readers, for religion has gotten bad reputation in our current times (rightfully so for some aspects). But God is righteous, while people are human. The errors of the church were done by people. The love of God will remain. Seek, and you shall find.

Mind, Body, and Soul. The blue circle representing Spirit.

The connection with God will be referred to as Spirit. The difference between Soul & Spirit is that Soul is an individual link to the totality, while Spirit is a manifestation of the totality — whether it be through angels, enlightened beings, or loved ones.

With the importance of Spirit in mind (always keeping God close to the heart) we can now talk about the Work.

Mind, Body, Soul

If we had a magic wand to give us any wish we could have, the best wish we could hope for would be for the balancing of mind/body/soul, as well as a recipe book for keeping mind/body/soul balanced. These writings are my recipe book, and my hope is that it will help others.

When wanting to balance mind/body/soul, it is important to remember that although these worlds may seem separate, that they also affect each other. Mind can affect Body. Body can affect Soul. They are all connected, although they may not seem so immediately.

The alchemy I teach, as mentioned, is the balancing of mind/body/soul. In order to balance, there are different actions one can take:

Body: exercise, diet, breath exercises (pranayama), walking.

Mind: reading, learning, meditating, thinking.

Soul: praying, having fun, creativity, analyzing dreams.

These actions may not seem too revolutionary, but the value lies in the way these actions affect the whole.

Taking exercise as an example (I will make a separate post going more into detail), my approach with exercise is fourfold — 1) cardio, 2) core, 3) stretching, 4) weight-training. Each of these categories serves a purpose:

Cardio: cardiovascular health (heart/lung health), overall physical fitness

Core: enhances good posture (which helps meditation). Decreases risk of injury. Helps being more grounded.

Stretching: increases mind-body connection. Slows aging by upkeep of mobility. Decreases risk of injury. Increases blood flow.

Weight-Training: increases mind-body connection. Strengthens body, as well as mind. Increases bone density. Decreases risk of injury.

The intention with each one of these actions is the strengthening & balancing of the whole. It is not fragmented. For example, we do not weight-training for the goal of having big muscles. Because the end-goal of big muscles, on its own, can cause issues, such as decreasing flexibility, and risk of injury (ego-lifting).

Same thing with doing core for wanting a six-pack (superficiality). An individual may revolve exercise/diet for this single goal — having a six-pack, at the detriment of other aspects, such as diet, or mental health (caring too much about what others think).

This holistic approach to each of these actions will be discussed in other posts.

When we connect these actions back to alchemy, we see that we are taking charge of things in our life that we can actually control. And these are actions that we can incorporate into our daily routine — thus making them a reality.

