I Want Pylons, But How? A Tutorial

6 min readAug 31, 2020


If you’re reading this — the shil — I mean educational and entertaining content has got you interested in farming $PYLON.

(Glad to see you’re the smartest of your siblings)

She do be bad tho…

So you’re smart enough to know $PYLON is unlike any DeFi project on the market, but are you smart enough to get the coins necessary to farm $PYLON on launch?

If not, that’s okay. This article will show you degens how!

There are 6 pools I’ll be discussing today.

(Technically there are 7 — ETH/PYLON but GTFO if I need to explain how to get ETH… just use Coinbase or something)

Going down the list, starting with Pool 1.

I’m assuming you guys also have Metamask — if not, what kind of degen are you?

For $LINK, $COMP, $wBTC, $wETH, and $SNX

These coins are quite popular so any exchange works (Binance, Polo, etc.)

But since you’re a degen, DEX’s only.

Uniswap will be used in this tutorial. If you already know how to use Uniswap, skip to step 8.


2. Click one of the two buttons that say “Launch App.” They’re in bold pink. Can’t miss them. I even circled them in black in case you got lost.

3. You will then see a new swap page. It’s okay, don’t be scared! Now you’ll want to click “Connect to a wallet”

4. A new menu will pop up, showing what kind of wallet you want to connect. Every answer besides the fox is wrong. Click on the MetaMask option

5. Click next on the notification from Metamask.

6. Keep clicking the blue button (this step is only for those using a hardware wallet through Metamask)

7. Wait for it successfully connect, and your balance will show up in Uniswap now!

8. Click on “Select a token”

9. Type in whatever coin you’d want to buy. For this example, we’ll use LINK.

10. Click on it.

11. Decide how much you want to swap and then click Swap. For example, I typed in one, but I’m expecting you to click MAX.

(Degen hint: For those who can’t math, type in how much of the asset you want and Uniswap will automatically calculate how much that is ETH wise)

12. Click Confirm Swap

13. Confirm on Metamask (hardware users will have to confirm on their device now)

13b. Hardware users, you’ll get a notification like this. Just accept the transaction on your hardware device at this time.

14. Done! Now you wait.

What about yaLINK?

yaLINK is special because it’s actually:

  • LINK that’s been deposited onto AAVE
  • the aLINK tokens you receive for depositing LINK onto AAVE is then deposited into the yaLINK Vault

So your workflow if you want to do this manually is:

  • Buy LINK from Uniswap/exchange
  • Deposit onto AAVE (connect your Metamask like you did with Uniswap, deposit LINK by following modern UI theory)
  • Deposit the aLINK tokens on https://yearn.finance/vaults
  • The yaLINK tokens that are spit out are what you use to deposit into the $PYLON pool.

Thankfully for both of us, there’s an easier way to do it.

Using Zapper.Fi

Zapper is a DeFi dashboard, you input your ETH address, and it displays your assets and where they are distributed.

It also allows you to add to the yaLINK Vault in one transaction — even if you don’t have LINK!

(Saves you gas — which is FUCKING ridiculous right now — and time by combining everything into one smart contract execution)

  1. Go to Zapper.Fi

2. Click “Connect Wallet”

3. Connect your Metamask like we did with Uniswap (try to keep up)

4. Same as with Uniswap — click the blue buttons

5. It’ll now connect and show you where any funds tied to that address are deployed!

That’s cool and all — but let’s get onto adding $ into the yaLINK Vault, shall we?

  1. Click on Invest in the top left corner.

2. Click Invest again, but this time in purple.

3. Select “yEarn”

4. Select the yaLINK Vault

5. Now go back to the top and choose what you want to fund the Vault with!

6. Select the amount you want to deposit, and then hit confirm.

(Degen hint: Approximately Pool Output is automatically calculated based on how much you choose to deposit!)

7. Same as last time. Click confirm and wait.

Your account will now be credited with yaLINK tokens — the easiest way to confirm is by inputting your address into http://etherscan.io/!

Gas fees are hella expensive, but imagine how much they would be without Zapper (easily double this)!

And there you go — how to get the coins necessary in preparation for the Golden Armada!

