Kassia Home — KASH Money Baby

2 min readSep 14, 2020


Degens of Defi,

We have an exciting week upon us.

The Kassia branch of our Golden Armada is deploying.

So what is Kassia, and what does it mean for $PYLON?

Leveraging Real Estate

The Golden Armada focuses on projects that are low maintenance, have predictable cash flow, and are easily scalable. It first debuted with the flagship $PYLON (GPU mining), which was followed up by launch of $Solarite last week, and now deployment of the Kassia crystals is going underway.

Kassia is splintered into three “shards” if you’d like:

  • Kassia Home
  • Kassia Hotel
  • Kassia Kommercial

I’ll be walking you through each individual shard, starting with today’s article about Kassia Home.

Be A Landlord — Without Any Of The Lording

While I’ve briefly explained what Kassia is when I broke down the concept of crystals here. Let’s talk about Kassia Home in particular, and what it has to offer for token holders.

Kassia Home will give holders exposure to residential properties, in the form of receiving $ from broker fees and rental income.

In other words, be the real estate agent and the landlord at the same time (without having to be either).

In 2019, real estate was worth $27 trillion in the USA alone. Capturing any portion of this market, regardless of how small, would be huge for $Kassia holders.

I’ll write up a more detailed analysis of the real estate industry later this week but remember:

  • Corona is a favorable tailwind for long term rentals in houses
  • It’s extremely easy to get mortgages, and with near-zero interest rates, will make it easy to leverage and multiply fees.
  • Rental income from homes can be used towards the purchase of the next one, accelerating growth.

I’m Ready To Degen My Net Worth Once Again…

Welcome aboard.

Here are the coin details you’re looking for:

  • Distribution over 30 days.
  • 150,000 total coin supply.
  • Pools 1–10 launch Friday, 9/18 at 2pm EST
  • Pool 0 — Friday, 9/18 at 5pm EST

And the supported pairs will be:

  • USDT
  • USDC
  • LEND
  • wBTC
  • yaLINK
  • Pylon/ETH
  • Pylon (6x boost)
  • Solarite (6x boost)
  • wETH
  • RARI
  • KASH/yCRV (Pool 0)

Standard pools will have 5,000 supply, and the boosted pools will have 30k each. Pool 0 will distribute 25,000 over the first 30 days, 12.5k the next 30 days, and continue to halve until reaching 50k.

(Similar to the $PYLON distribution schedule we had)

Prepare For KASH

Staking will be easy — simply go to the Pylon.Finance website, and go to the Kassia Home section. Connect your wallets as I know you degens know how to, and deposit assets.

See you on the other side.

