Pylon.Finance — 25% Or More APY (Even In A Bear Market)
5 min readAug 26, 2020


Oh boy — another YFI scam?


Another get in, make $, and get out before rug pull?


Amidst the DeFi buffet of $CREAM, $PASTA, and $SHRIMP $TACOs…

Is $Pylon.

Welcome to a fair way to make lots of money at a jogging pace.

(Scroll to the bottom if you’re already ready to take out a second mortgage and just need to know where to start farming)

So what the hell is Pylon — and why should you care?

The name Pylon is a reference to StarCraft — you would hear “must construct additional Pylons” before you were allowed to expand.

(You probably also didn’t get laid until 27, but at least you can cry in your lambo with your internet money)

Continuing with the StarCraft Analogy — how quickly you could grow and maintain your economy (how many minerals/gas you were producing) was what separated scrubs from world masters.

Our Pylons aim to do the same — growing an economy for holders as soon as possible, and maintaining high APY rates while pushing for even higher at all times.

But how?

Combining Hardware And Liquidity Mining For Max APY

Like most DeFi projects, our degen attractor of choice is a vault — but what we do with the fees are different.

Instead of just redistributing the fees to holders with extra steps, we allocate fees towards our second stream of income — building mining farms that return anywhere from 25–50% APY in a bear market, and upwards of 160% in a bull.

Kind of like this one that we built!

Mining rewards are simply reentered back into the $PYLON ecosystem, creating a positive feedback cycle that makes hodlers $ (the ones with the IQ points to realize the potential of this, at least).

Our Mining Background

We wouldn’t suggest mining if we didn’t know what we’re talking about — there’s easier ways to scam people out of money.

Not only have we been mining for the last 6 years (profitably), we’re also the largest mining company in the USA.

In other words — if there’s anyone capable of pulling off something like this it’s us.

We understand that images can be photoshopped so we look forward to remaining transparent and verifying earnings, hardware, etc. through anyway the community deems fit.

Artifact Vault — Deposit $, get more $ out

The first is something most degen yield farmers are used to — a magic vault that spits out more money than you put in after sometime.

We farm some shitcoin, harvest it, and then sell profits to return more $PYLON to the Vault.

There are two fees associated with this: a 1% withdrawal fee and a 10% mining management fee.

10%? Damn — we must be greedy huh?

Wrong again you degen.

This fee is dubbed our “mining farm” fee, and all fees are used to construct and maintain mining farms that become our second income source.

Mining farms — Tassadar’s Final Wish

Back in the day before Yams and other vegetables and foods were farmed, hardware was used to produce internet money.

This is how we’re able to guarantee at least 25% APY — even if our vaults return 0% in a bear market.

The farms will mine Ethereum, banking on the elevated gas fees and mining rewards as of late. These rewards are then returned into the $PYLON ecosystem, and you get something that looks a little bit like this:

We actually are working on vaults that have a 25% and 50% managing fee for those with enough intelligence to see past short term gains.

No one here does anything for free though — working on developing some sort of incentive for those capable of looking past hourly and daily returns.

Shut up and take my money — my life savings are ready

Still reading? I know your attention span is reaching its limits so I’ll keep this brief.

When does the network go live?

September 1st — check out for the exact minute and second.

How to get Pylons?

Two phases of liquidity pools.

Pool 0: Uniswap V2 (Pylon/yCRV)

  • Max coins distributed: 12,600
  • Duration: Max reward rate is first 10 days
  • Every 10 days after, distribution rate is halved (until 12,600 is reached)
  • Launches 24 hours after pools 1–6 go online

So to clarify the distribution, it will look something like this:

  • First 10 days — 6300 Pylon will be distributed.
  • Next 10 days — 3150 Pylon
  • Next 10 days — 1575
  • And on and on, until around Day 140/150 where less than 1 Pylon is being minted per 10 days.

Pools 1–6: $LEND, $COMP, $yaLINK, $SNX, $wBTC, $wETH

  • Max coins: 8400
  • Similar to pool 0, just offering various ways to participate for majoirty of DeFi and general crypto users.


Pylon literally is all about making $ in the fairest way possible — not just for today, but for tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

There’s no premine, no ICO, everyone on the team has got to farm just like you guys to get Pylon.

We understand that there’s a lot of innate skepticism that comes to new projects — especially ones promising hard figures.

We’re actively pursuing independent auditors (MULTIPLE) to inspect our smart contract code, and like stated earlier MORE than happy to produce documents, pictures, videos, or any other forms of verification proving our experience running profitable mining farms.

With or without you — money is going to be made.

So are you in or out?

