Solarite Crystal Explained: Brighter Than Your Future
3 min readSep 7, 2020


Degens seeking gains,

Solarite Crystal is coming this Friday.

But what exactly does that mean?

And more importantly, how will it make me money?

Don’t worry, I’ll answer all these questions (and more) over the course of this week.

So sit back, relax, and bask in the shill.

Solarite: Sun make money go brrr

The basic business plan isn’t something extravagant, complex, or revolutionary. Our IQ points limit our business plans to stuff that is brain-dead simple and just plain works.

With that being said, the business plan looks something like this:

  • Vault takes 1% of withdrawal fee and 20% of performance to fund farm.
  • Third party contractors will be used to deploy 1MW+ Solar Farms.
  • Government incentives and economy of scale makes costs only $1/watt
  • Electricity is sold to Duke Energy (biggest electricity corporation on east coast) through “net metering”
  • Panels will last 30 years, and return 10%-15% APY.
  • In the future, other energy-related crypto projects may integrate Solarite with their project. Tether to real word asset and allows buy/sell of wattage market style.
Just a pic of how HUGE a 1 MW farm is (source: just Google “1 MW Farm”)

The factor that most determines Solarite’s success is funding — we need ALL the degens putting in their capital so we can farm all the shitcoins and fund not only Solarite but the rest of the Golden Armada.

Once the crystal is fully funded, it’s pretty much a done deal: Pylon users will begin to receive additional income for their $PYLON pretty much automatically.

Why not just use Solarite to power the GPU farms?

Because stupid, the sun don’t shine for 24 hours a day.

(Yes, I know it does, but solar panels are not rotating with the earth)

So, in reality, we’re getting effectively 6–8 hours of direct sunlight a day.

To “go green” and power our mining farms with solar powers alone, we’d have to burn a lot of green.

Solarite would need:

  • 4x the amount of solar panels
  • Additional installation of batteries for when the sun is down

To make this possible.

And it would absolutely destroy ROI faster than you can say $hotdog.

The Golden Armada

Solarite is just one of the many crystals coming soon that will bring anyone holding even a single $PYLON ludicrous amounts of passive income.

Because of how vital Solarite is to the grand plan, pools created moving forward will support both funding of mining and solar farms at the same time.

More details later this week about what tokens will be supported, and specifics of how Solarite interacts with $PYLON so the slightly smarter degens have something else to gnaw on.

