Andre Labbe
2 min readMar 21, 2024


Good read and nicely presented

The new thief feature is a nice addition to what you could already do.

You could (I do) use a pass code on Screen Time and lock password changes, etc... Via 'Content & Privacy'. Therefore your account, etc... will be greyed out or missing.

There is a draw back which is always the same with any security settings on any device.

It will take longer to do some tasks which some might think it is a pain and is it worth the agro. Yes it is, if you ask me!

Let say, if you wanted to add a voucher on your account. you have 1st to remove the restriction then add the money then add the restriction again. Small price to pay for extra security if you ask me.

This can be also applied to a Mac.

Therefore if someone does nick your beloved Mac 'unlocked' if very lucky, he/she would be for a surprise.

Also on a Mac if it has been activated against your account, it cannot be reseted without it. Mx series and also T2 series.

You might be able to use it, if you can logon as another account but you will be limited for OS upgrade, etc...

In my work, I have to reset Mac when the user leave the company. Sadly some 'leavers' have locked the Mac this way and forgot not tell their ex employer and cannot remember the 'login'. The only option is to contact Apple with a copy of the invoice for them to 'reset it'.

Mac might not bet as 'good' regarded thief, but you can still make their life a misery by a bit of tweaking.

After all would you buy a Mac where the seller will tell you, do not update, upgrade or try to reset but if you do do not call me if your Mac is not usable anymore.

Probably not, I guess and I hope.



Andre Labbe

I am an old IT git (not GitHub related). I worked (and still) on computers since the end of the 70's. These are only my view from what I have seen and know.