4 Quick and Easy Ways to Get Out of a Bad Mood in Under Two Minutes

You won’t believe how easy it is.

Alain Saamego
2 min readMay 4, 2022
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

It’s inevitable. At some point, we all have bad days. Maybe you’re feeling stressed from work or school, or you’re just in a funk.

Whatever the reason, there are ways to turn that frown upside down and get out of your bad mood in under five minutes.

Here are four tips to help you get out of a bad mood:

1. Get moving

When you’re feeling down, it’s tempting to just sit around and do nothing. But research shows that physical activity can help improve your mood.

So go for a walk, take a yoga class, or go for a run. Just getting your body moving will help you feel better.

2. Connect with friends or family

Sometimes all you need is a good chat with a friend or family member to feel better. Talking about what’s bothering you can help you work through your problems and get out of your funk.

3. Do something you enjoy

When you’re in a bad mood, it’s important to do something that makes you happy.

Whether it’s reading your favorite book, listening to music, or watching a funny movie, taking some time for yourself to do something you…

