Object-Oriented Problem-Solving in Python: 12 Best Practices

Alain Saamego
4 min readJul 24, 2023
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

Python’s object-oriented programming capabilities make it easy to build modular and reusable code. Here are 12 key best practices to leverage OOP effectively for solving programming problems:

1. Encapsulate Behavior in Classes

Well-designed classes encapsulate related data and behaviors into one logical entity. This abstraction enables working at a higher level without worrying about internal implementation details. For example, a Network class handles low-level socket APIs, exposing a simple send/receive interface to users. Encapsulation makes code more robust to changes.

2. Define Clear Interfaces

Classes should expose simple, well-defined public interfaces. Keep interfaces small and focused. Avoid exposing internal workings. This enables users to understand and leverage the class while the developer can refine internals later. Changes shouldn’t impact users as long as public APIs remain stable.

3. Limit Access Using Properties

Python properties provide getters and setters for restricting direct access to class members. This prevents users accidentally corrupting object state. For example:

class BankAccount:
def __init__(self, balance=0):
self._balance = balance


