One Day

Anirudh Alameluvari
2 min readMay 7, 2023


One day, I dream of being muscular. I imagine myself with toned arms and chiseled abs, a symbol of strength. But that day is not today, nor will it be tomorrow. It’s a journey I must embark on, a path I must take.

Someday, I hope to be smart. I want to have a wealth of knowledge, to be able to solve complex problems and understand the world around me. But that day is not now, and I have much to learn before I reach it.

One day, I see myself capturing the beauty I see in this world through art and music. But that day is not around the corner and I shall revel in the imperfect circles and find joy in the missed notes till then.

Eventually, I will be who I want to be. I will have achieved my dreams, fulfilled my desires, and lived the life I always wanted. But that day is far off, and there is much work to be done before I can reach it.

And yet, I take joy in the journey. At times, I wonder if I truly want to reach that day. The journey is so rich, so full of life and experience, that I fear reaching the end will mean an end to the adventure.

But then again, all good journeys must come to an end. I want to achieve my dreams and live the life I’ve always wanted. And so, I continue on my journey, taking joy in each step, and looking forward to the day when I finally become who I want to be.

