Dominic Cummings to leave Downing St with immediate effect

8 min readNov 14, 2020

A report released earlier this month by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living found that more than 40% of new Covid-19 cases in nursing homes during the week of October 18 were from Midwest states that had seen spikes in community spread.
And as numbers in nursing homes rise, experts fear that will lead to an increasing number of deaths, AHCA/NCAL said in a news release accompanying the report.

With 306 electoral college votes, Joe Biden has won the US presidency but another important battle rages on.

The race for the United States Senate will be decided in Georgia, with two Senate race runoffs on January 5, 2021 between Democrat and Republican candidates.

Donald Trump has come closer than ever before to admitting defeat to Joe Biden in the presidential election, but his imminent ousting from the White House comes amid reports he will immediately announce a 2024 election bid.

On Friday, the US president said on Twitter the electoral college result in Arizona was “a very close loss”, before telling reporters at a coronavirus vaccine briefing — and his first public comments since election day — that “time will tell” if his administration is replaced by a Biden one.

According to US media, Mr Trump told aides he could immediately announce plans to run in 2024 once Mr Biden is certified the winner of this election.

Benjamin Netanyahu has released a video, shared here by Reuters, congratulating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their election victory over Donald Trump, whom was also praised by the Israeli prime minister.

The video is unlikely to go down well with Mr Trump, who still refuses to concede the election and has previously considered Mr Netanyahu as one of his primary right-wing international allies.

Republicans suffered setbacks to court challenges over the presidential election in three battleground states on Friday while a law firm that came under fire for its work for President Donald Trump’s campaign withdrew from a major Pennsylvania case.

The legal blows began when a federal appeals court rejected an effort to block about 9,300 mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day in Pennsylvania. The judges noted the “vast disruption” and “unprecedented challenges” facing the nation during the COVID-19 pandemic as they upheld the three-day extension.

Chief U.S. Circuit Judge D. Brooks Smith said the three-judge panel kept in mind “a proposition indisputable in our democratic process: that the lawfully cast vote of every citizen must count.”

A second Senate Race is necessary in Georgia, as the Republican Senator, David Perdue, has not gained the 50 per cent threshold he needed to claim the Senate, and so, will run against Jon Ossoff, his Democratic rival, once again in January.

Alongside the battle between Perdue and Ossoff, Georgia will hold another special election. This election will decide whether GOP Senator Kelly Loeffler or her Democratic opposition Raphael Warnock will step into the shoes of retired Senator, Johnny Isakson, for the remainder of his term.

To secure a majority, the Democrats need three seats — one of which they can now take as Mr Biden has won the presidency, as the vice president, Kamala Harris, has the power to cast the tie-breaking vote.

In the early stages, the Republican party appeared to maintain control of the United States Senate as they won key races in Iowa, Alabama and South Carolina.

However, this looked increasingly under threat after the Democrats flipped two seats, in Colorado and Arizona.

On November 11, CNN projected that Republication Senator Dan Sullivan would retain his seat in Alaska, giving the party a 50–48 lead over the Democrats, with 51 needed for a majority.

The win comes a day after the Republicans picked up a seat in North Carolina, where Thom Tillis defeated Cal Cunningham.

The battle for the United States Senate is also hugely significant for the future of the country

But why is this the case? Read below to find out.

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What is it?
The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress, which has the power to ratify treaties, confirm senior government appointees and judges, as well as introducing legislation. The lower chamber of Congress is the House of Representatives, which has 435 members.

Every four years when the presidency is up for grabs, one third of the 100-member Senate and the entire House are up for election. This also happens in even-numbered years when there is not a presidential election.

Senators serve six-year terms and must be at least 30 years of age.

Prior to the election, the Senate was under Republican control, with the party enjoying a 53–47 majority, but the impending results could change this.

The most up-to-date figures project that the Republicans have won 50 seats and the Democrats (including independents) have won 48 seats so far. Fifty-one is needed for a Senate majority.

Why is it important?
The race between the Democrats and Republicans is tight this year — and the result could have great implications for whoever wins the presidency.

The party that controls the Senate will have power over the next president’s legislative agenda, cabinet officials and judicial appointments.

If President-elect Joe Biden fails to gain the Senate, he could be left unable to pass legislation important to his presidency — on issues such as healthcare, climate change and immigration.

Until now, a gridlock in the Senate has had a significant impact, leading to little progress on key issues including economic recovery during the coronavirus pandemic.

Where will the battle be decided?
Georgia will prove crucial to deciding who controls the United States Senate, as no candidates for the state’s two seats were able to reach the 50 per cent of vote required to win a place in the Senate.

This means both Senate contests in Georgia will be decided in a special runoff election on January 5, 2021, which will determine whether Republicans or Democrats control the upper chamber of congress.

If the Democrats won both seats in Georgia, this would lead to a tie break scenario. As Mr Biden has won the presidency, the vice president, Kamala Harris, would have the power to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Democrats favour.

Therefore, Perdue and Ossoff’s battle for Georgia is rapidly becoming the most crucial battle in American politics, as the victory will swing the Senate in favour of the Republican or Democrat party.

So far, the Republicans have held onto a number of states considered competitive by Democrats — including North Carolina, Montana, and Iowa.

Republican Susan Collins has retained her Senate seat in Maine, with the loss for Democrat Susan Gideon a blow to the Democrats’ hopes to regain control of the Senate.

The Democrats managed to flip Arizona, with former astronaut Mark Kelly beating the incumbent Republican Martha McSally 52.5 per cent to 47.4 per cent.

Colorado also turned blue as Democrat John Hickenlooper won the senate vote by 53.9 per cent to 44 percent.

But the Democrats were not so successful in Alabama, as Republican Tommy Tuberville won the senate seat the Democrats had managed to capture during a special election in 2017.

Who are the key players?
The first race in Georgia will take place between incumbent Republican David Perdue, 70, a businessman first appointed to the Senate in 2014, and Democrat Jon Ossoff, 33, a former investigative journalist.

Georgia’s second Republican Senator, Kelly Loeffler, will defend her seat against Democrat challenger Raphael Warnock.

They were the top two finishers in a crowded field that also included Republican Rep. Doug Collins. But no candidate was able to get the 50 per cent threshold needed in order to win outright.

Ms Loeffler, 49, a wealthy businesswoman, was appointed last year to replace retiring Sen. Johnny Isakson. Mr Warnock, 51, is trying to become Georgia’s first Black US senator. The Reverend is pastor of the Atlanta church where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr preached.

In Maine, long-term Republican Senator Susan Collins has been caught between voters who are unhappy she has not embraced Mr Trump and those who are disappointed she has not done more to stand up to him. Despite these divisions, Collins succeeded in retaining her seat.

Over in Colorado first-term Republican Senator Cory Gardner suffered from the decline in Mr Trump’s popularity, for whom he has been considered a long-term ally, giving Democrat John Hickenlooper the win.

Arizona’s Republican candidate too is suffering from her connection to Mr Trump. Martha McSally lost to former astronaut Mark Kelly, in part due to Mr Trump’s alienation to Arizona’s growing suburban and Latino population.

In Michigan, Democrat Senator Gary Peters has a 49.8 per cent majority among the electorate, Republican John James’ has 48.3 per cent giving Peters the win.

And in of Alabama Senator Democrat Doug Jones lost to Republican Tommy Tuberville.

US President Donald Trump gestures next to Judge Amy Coney Barrett
The appointment of Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court judge could have an impact CREDIT: AFP
Who looks likely to win?
The Senate race was as close as the presidential election. Democrats may have won the presidency and kept the House majority, but the future of the Senate is far less certain.

With the Republicans gaining 50 seats to the Democrats 48, the results are still too close to call.

But what would a Biden victory in Georgia mean for the Senate?
The Republicans previously looked set to win a majority as they held on to key states such as Iowa, Montana and South Carolina. They had also managed to win back the Senate seat in Alabama from the Democrats.

However, a blue Georgia will now vote for their two representatives in January. If Ossoff and Warnock fill the two available seats, then he Republicans’ majority in the chamber is under threat, as the Democrats will gain power of the Senate.

The appointment of Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court judge could also have an impact yet to be reflected by analysis.

It seems, therefore, that we are not going to see the end of this race until the new year…

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