Al Amin
3 min readJan 8, 2021


Historical background of indoor and outdoor basketball games
We did not always play basketball on the full-sized indoor basketball court we see today, nor did the players
play incredible heights to perform slam dunks. The game of indoor and outdoor basketball has changed
significantly since its inception. The game’s history shows a conceptually similar match to the current
version, but with a much different playing style, fewer rules, slowed down the tempo and limited to no
player organization, says William Baker, author of "Basketball: Its Origin and Development."
Origin of basketball
The game of basketball was developed by Dr. James Naismith in 1891 when he wanted to create an indoor
game for students at the School for Christian Workers during the winter months. He designed the game to
use player skills to excel. People initially played the game with a soccer ball thrown into a peach basket,
thus creating the 'basketball' appellation.
The original design of the court
The first basketball courts were only half the size of the current courts. However, the dimensions of the
target have changed little. Naismith initially nailed a peach basket to the edge of an indoor track, and its
height was ten feet in the air. This height has never changed since basketball players still use the 10-foot
hoop as a regulatory goal today. There was also no 3-point line, and a shot from a considerable distance was
only counted as one point; there was no 2-point recording at this time.
Original rules
Naismith only had 13 rules that the players had to follow when playing the game. At this point, there was no
dribbling, and you could only throw the ball from one player to another with a step or two of allowance for a
player who runs remarkably fast when hit. Passes can be made and deflected with one or two hands, and you
were not allowed to use your fist to deflect a pass. You were not allowed to contact an opponent with your
body forcibly, and you would be seated or ejected after your second violation of this rule. Some rules that
still include water today are the five-second inbound rule, a ball passing through the net counts as a goal,
and the team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Gameplay from Historical Basketball
Original basketball was significantly slower than today’s version. Many changes to the game made the game
faster. Naismith called for the baskets' bottoms to be removed, so there was no need to pause the game while
waiting for the ball to be retrieved. The games themselves were 30 minutes in total, with two 15-minute
halves, and were mostly low scoring because players couldn’t dribble and had to stay still. It was also
challenging to move in the smaller courts because there was no regulation on how many players could
remain at court until 1900. Until then, no substitutions were allowed, and once you replaced a player, you
could they didn’t come back and play until 1921. After all, there was no shot clock, which also slowed the
pace of the game. It seemed the only thing that was exciting to spectators at first was the constant brawls
that developed on a continuous basis, reports William Baker, author of "Basketball: Its Origin and
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️



Al Amin

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