7 Wonderful EOS Account Names You Can Get Right Now

2 min readJul 20, 2018


The names in this article were generated using the “Random Name” feature on the open source tool https://namevault.co — continue reading to see what they are (and even grab one before someone else).

Be sure and follow, every Friday I’ll drop a new batch of awesome sounding names that are still available!

Account #1: prettyfamous

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#prettyfamous

Account #2: fastbusiness

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#fastbusiness

Account #3: blocklimited

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#blocklimited

Account #4: militarystar

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#militarystar

Account #5: firstchapter

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#firstchapter

Account #6: directflight

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#directflight

Account #7: marketsquare

Get it here: https://namevault.co/#marketsquare

Keep following for more names to come! Also, if you want to learn more about NameVault, check out a couple of the following resources:

Launch Article: https://medium.com/@alamzach/namevault-co-create-an-eos-account-easily-in-under-60-seconds-a6f753fe211c

Source On GitHub: https://github.com/zachalam/namevault.co

