The Six Degrees of Separation: Unravelling the Intricate Web of Human Connection

Alan Wareham
3 min readMar 8, 2024

The Six Degrees of Separation is a captivating sociological concept that has piqued the curiosity of researchers and the general public alike for decades. First proposed in the late 1920s by Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy, the concept posits that any two individuals on Earth can be connected through a chain of no more than six acquaintances. This compelling idea explores the intricate web of human connections, revealing the hidden links that bind us together and the power of social networks in shaping our lives.

The Theory

The Six Degrees of Separation concept is based on the premise that the world is a vast, interconnected network, and that each person is just a few steps away from every other individual through a chain of acquaintances. According to the theory, it takes only six or fewer “hops” or intermediary connections to connect any two people on the planet, regardless of their geographic location, cultural background, or social standing.

Early experiments to test the concept involved “chain letters” or “small-world experiments,” where participants were asked to send a letter or package to a target individual via their personal contacts. These studies provided anecdotal evidence for the existence of the Six Degrees of Separation phenomenon…



Alan Wareham

Alan Wareham has been self-employed for over 40 years. His knowledge of marketing & the internet have benefited individuals and businesses in numerous countries