Alan Philips — The Age of Ideas
12 min readSep 8, 2020

“At this point I’m just doing what I like to do. People are gonna love it or hate it. But the one thing is that it’s gonna be honest. And between Kith Treats and all of these nos- talgic moments that we had, I’m just living a dream right now. This is what I love.”

Ronnie Fieg, Founder Of Kith

In the Jewish religion, a bar mitzvah is the ritual induction of a boy into manhood at the age of thirteen. It’s recognized as the time when he, not his parents, becomes responsible for his actions.

Ronnie Fieg took this transition quite seriously.

Fieg’s first cousin is David Z, a legendary sneaker and sports- wear retailer in New York City. Ronnie’s parents were paying off his bar mitzvah celebration with the gifts from the guests, and as is customary, David came to the celebration with his gift in hand: an envelope of cash. Ronnie saw this as an opportunity and said to David, “Thanks, but no thanks; I’d rather have a job working for you instead.” The next day, Ronnie…



Alan Philips — The Age of Ideas

Alan Philips is an executive, entrepreneur, writer, speaker, and connector. He brings together creators and companies to create new opportunities.