Alan Klement
1 min readDec 16, 2016


  1. I know Rick Pedi. He introduced JTBD to Clay. He’s the one, along with Bob, who did the “Milkshake Marketing” . They introduced Clay to both. Clay took *some* of JTBD’s ideas and applied them to his book “Innovators Dilemma”
  2. You’re misquoting Clay. Reread the sample you present. Clay says Tony “developed and used a very similar concept”. Clay never says Tony created or pioneered JTBD. Only that Tony has a “very similar concept”.
  3. Clay used to think JTBD and ODI were similar. But he changed his mind after working with people like me and Bob (who first introduced him to JTBD in the 90s)
  4. All this is why if you read Competing Against Luck — which is dedicated to JTBD — Clay claims that he and Bob created JTBD over the last 20 years.
  5. It’s also why Clay never mentions Tony or ODI in Competing Against Luck.

I know the people involved. I’m not scrounging the internet, trying to piece together disparate sources written by individuals with their own agendas.

All this silly discussion is easily solved. Just ask Clay. He’ll tell you the same story I told you.

Or maybe I should ask him for you — the next time I see him?



Alan Klement

I help businesses become great at making and selling products that people will buy. Contact me: