Entrepreneurs don’t get sick

Alan Knott-Craig
1 min readMay 7, 2016


sick kid

At the change of seasons there is an inevitable outbreak of flu.

Not only is it no fun to be sick, it’s not good for business. Especially if you’re an entrepreneur with a small team that can’t afford to stop moving.

Here are the basic rules to stay healthy:

1. Boost your immune system with ginger tea, lemon and olive leaf.

2. Wash your hands regularly.

3. Don’t touch your face.

4. Eat garlic.

If you feel yourself getting sick, don’t be Harry Casual. Boost your immune system!

1. Get enough sleep.

2. Eat plenty vitamin C.

3. Don’t get drunk (a drink or two is ok, a hangover is not ok).

4. Stay away from sugar (a small dose of sugar can suppress your immune system for up to 5 hours).

If its your business you can’t afford to be on the sidelines. No one else will pay the salaries.

Don’t get sick.

Originally published at The Big Almanack.



Alan Knott-Craig

Entrepreneur in telecoms, media and tech. Proud co-founder of 3 daughters.