Obama’s Re-Education Gulags

Alan Schultz
2 min readJun 11, 2015


All conspiracy theorists today want to focus on is ‘Jade Helm 15’, the Walmart closings, and other off-the-wall cockamamie crack-pot delusions of madmen. But we should all know where the real story is -it lies within those F.E.M.A. Camps- the heart of the conspiracy community’s mass hysteria.

President Barack Hussein Obama IS attempting to relocate much of our nation’s population to ‘re-education gulags’. He IS coming for their guns and wants to take away their rights. He wants to indoctrinate them with his beliefs and impose his ideals upon them. Do we know just what demographic the Commander-In-Chief has his crosshairs set on?

President Obama is coming to steal away many of our countrymen. The most destitute will vanish from our neighborhoods and communities. The President along with our government is coming for this nation’s most ignorant.

He is coming for our ‘intellectually challenged’ in an attempt to close the reality gap.

Look out Fox viewers, Limbaugh listeners, and Palin sycophants! The White House and its minions are searching for you now. They are coming to take your rights of free hate speech away and to stave off further abuse of innocent children subjected to your insane ideological follies.

The administration is targeting the most deserving ignorant prospects for re-education via a new program meant to oust the suspected ignorant living amongst us. It involves the President’s online presence, tracking of online activity, analyzing digital algorithms, and utilizing data sniffing programs. Currently allowed under the US Freedom Act, the digital surveillance is an attempt to track key phrases only made by the most ignorant in the United States.

Anything the President deems subversive to his administration’s agenda of prejudice against the ignorant will be probable cause to immediately detain any individual in one of the many F.E.M.A. re-educative centers located across the country.

Phrases such as ‘Obama’s a Muslim’, ‘that’s Sharia law’, and ‘climate change is a hoax’ will be swiftly met with government shock troops placing you under arrest.

The White House is not only relying on internet activity surveillance to snoop on the ignorant of America either. They are also utilizing the latest in law enforcement technological upgrades. The license plate cameras on many patrol vehicles as well as traffic camera footage are now being used to track these individuals as well. This is accomplished by using compiled camera footage while focusing on all vehicles with Tea Party, Bush/Cheney, McCain/Palin, and any one of about a thousand other hokey conservative bumper stickers on them.

Lock your doors, hide your guns, remove those bumper stickers, log off, and start critically-thinking, otherwise President Obama’s goons will be at your door next.

(This is entirely satirical, none of this is based on actual real reports or evidence)



Alan Schultz

The day you don’t wake up trying to pursue something creative in your life; is the day you’ve become a slave or deceased.