Why Choose Bernie?

Alan Schultz
11 min readJul 16, 2015


An Overview of 2016 Presidential Candidate, Bernie Sanders

A brief glimpse at just who Bernie Sanders is and what he has stood for throughout his lifetime of involvement in civil service work.


Bernie Sanders organizes Student Sit-Ins protesting Racial Segregation on College Campus


Bernie Sanders organizes Student Sit-Ins protesting Racial Segregation on College Campus


Bernie Sanders participates in the historic march on Washington DC where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I have a Dream” speech.


Bernie Sanders runs for Governor of Vermont calling for abolishing laws against LGBT. Also calling for the decriminalization of drug use.


Bernie Sanders elected Mayor of Burlington, VT. He renews the heart of the city.


Rep. Bernie Sanders, VT helps pass some of the first ANTI-Hate Crime Laws in the nation extending to LGBT.


1993–96: Rep. Bernie Sanders, VT votes against DADT, votes against DOMA, votes in first dissent to DADT, writes letter of support for Vermont Civil Unions for LGBT.


Senator bernie Sanders voted to overturn DADT, called for demilitarization of police forces, introduced bill to increase job opportunity to low income/high crime neighborhoods, introduced bill to lessen college tuition.


Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) talked about why he was considering running for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president as a liberal alternative to Hillary Clinton, focusing on income inequality and climate change. He began his speech with a brief description of his life and career in politics and then talked about issues such as the “greed and reckless” state of Wall Street, the declining middle class, health care, and campaign finance

Bernie Sanders’ 12 Point Plan

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders unveils his 12 point plan to take on the Koch Brothers and save the American middle class.


Sen. Sanders believes every person should have access to the best free public college education regardless of their location, income, gender, religion or race.


Bernie is committed to provide the best quality care possible veterans, and is determined to ensure the VA is meeting this responsibility.


Sen. Sanders has, and will continue to, fight for progressive energy policies and increase environmental protection, and is determined to find solutions to end the serious issue of climate change.


Sen. Sanders believes we must make significant investments in our nation’s roads, bridges, and transit systems for the United States to remain economically competitive.


Bernie is committed to see that workers have a fair living wage by raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour.


Instead of giving huge tax breaks to corporations which ship our jobs to China and other low-wage countries, we need to provide assistance to workers who want to purchase their own businesses.


For more than thrity years, Sen. Sanders has been a staunch advocate for real effective campaign finance reform that reduces the influence of special interests and corporations.


Bernie strongly believes in the constitutional rights of all Americans which makes this country great, and those rights should not be sacrificed in the name of security.


Bernie believes that the true greatness of a country is not measured by the sum of it’s millionaires and billionaires. Rather, it is one in which justice, equality and dignity prevail for all.


Bernie believes we should break up the giant financial institutions and banks that pose a systemic risk to the financial system and the economy as a whole.


Sen. Sanders is committed to ensuring that every American has a right to free access to quality health care in their community.


Bernie stands firm in his fight to protect Social Security, medicare, medicaid, and the other programs that help seniors remain healthy and independent.

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Alan Schultz

The day you don’t wake up trying to pursue something creative in your life; is the day you’ve become a slave or deceased.