We’re All From Here…

Alan Weinkrantz
3 min readApr 27, 2015


Under the leadership of Fadi Swidan, Co-Founder and Co-Organizer of the Nazareth Business Incubator, he’s bringing a group of entrepreneurs — some of which will be competing in the TLV Startup Challenge. After this event, Fadi will return for the Nazareth Startups Rocks Tel Event on May 27 at the U.S Embassy. Fadi looks over the group, and in the background you can see the Church of the Annunciation.

Startups from Nazareth Bring Generations of Business Wisdom and Experience to TAU Innovation Week / TLV Startup Challenge

In our travels to and from Nazareth, Giuseppe Calo and I have been fortunate to meet with, and connected with the startup community in this magical city.

During our breaks, and in between meetings and mentoring sessions, Giuseppe and I would walk the streets, find a very cool restaurant, have chance encounter with some of the locals, and spend time in some pretty amazing spice shops that I thought only existed in far away lands.

We Are From Here

A special group of entrepreneurs from Nazareth are coming to Tel Aviv for both the duration of the TAU Innovation Week and the TLV Startup Challenge.

Entrepreneurs from Nazareth brief members of the U.S. State Department’s MEPI — U.S. Middle East Partnership Initiative… I shared my role in what I was doing for Rackspace, as the Brand Ambassador to Israel and my mission to #BeHelpful.

In my own one-on-one mentoring sessions with the startups, I’ll let you what was far more interesting that the companies I met: it was the stories of the entrepreneurs whose families go back eight and ten generations.

To that end, long before we had the Internet, or even basic telecommunications as we know it today, businesses here thrived, people connected, and commerce ensued.

And now, there’s another generation coming online, starting new companies, and looking for the opportunity to meet the community in Tel Aviv.

Under the leadership of Fadi Swidan, Co-Founder and Co-Organizer of the Nazareth Business Incubator, he’s bringing a group of entrepreneurs — some of which will be competing in the TLV Startup Challenge. After this event, Fadi will return for the Nazareth Startups Rocks Tel Event on May 27 at the U.S Embassy.

“There’s code in these old stones…” Eitan Press, Social Community Manager, The Voice of Israel

They are born here.

They are from here.

They are of this land.

You’d be well served to connect with Fadi and the teams he is bringing to Tel Aviv.

We’re All From Here….

You never know what you can learn from, and exchange energy with someone who, who like everyone is the startup ecosystem of Israel, has a vested interest in the heart and soul of this very special nation we all share and love so much.

There’s people from all walks of life, religious belief sets, from all over the world, that come here to literally and figuratively invest in all sorts of ways.

Be sure to register, and not miss out on the opportunity to meet and connect with delegations from Nazareth, all of Israel, and from all over the world.

Alan Weinkrantz is the Rackspace Brand Ambassador to Israel with a mission to help Israeli startup and developers succeed.

All photos by me. The video too.



Alan Weinkrantz

Tech PR / Startup Communications Strategies — San Antonio & Tel Aviv