Tokens could give birth to AGI, Artificial General Intelligence.

Mikko Alasaarela
2 min readOct 25, 2017


People familiar with the current state of artificial intelligence know that we are at a phase where we only have so called “narrow AIs”. They are machine learning algorithms that are given a specific goal.

The next step for AI is to become able to figure out its own goals and make unsupervised decisions. Such an AI would be called Artificial General Intelligence, AGI.

For AGI to become possible, it needs to have access to many different data sets and be able to learn new algorithms.

For example, we have image recognition and video analytics algorithms that provide AI a sense of sight. We have voice recognition and NLP algorithms that provide AI a sense of hearing and understanding of language.

Smartphones give AI a sense of touch. There are thousands of other algorithms and datasets that could become segments of an AGI brain.

An important remaining obstacle on the way to AGI is that all of these narrow AI algorithms and datasets are owned by different entities that want to make money from them.

The growth of cryptocurrencies can change that.

Cryptocurrency tokens enable AGI to connect to these senses and “brain functions” programmatically via tokenized APIs, without any human supervision.

With tokenized APIs, an AGI could tap autonomously into stock market data, video footage of foot traffic on shopping streets and sentiment signals on social media, and then make investment decisions based on pattern recognition and predictive algorithms combined to real time data feeds.

AGI can then invest the proceeds to connect to more algorithms and data sources via other tokenized APIs that offer more opportunities. This would enable an independent AGI to emerge and grow.

We live in interesting times.

