Alasdair Duncan
3 min readOct 6, 2022
Beginners guide to cash flow online?

Learn to build a Income online

This key decision changed my life transforming it from being a working drone for someone else to working online.

The key to working online is to learn and learn being open to ways to make money online.

One key way is to build a online email list this is not to be underestimated because this is yours. With other platforms such as Youtube they can suspend your account or even cancel delete your channel.

With your email list you build, it is yours not some other platforms so keep this in mind (Very important !)

Online email makes you cash flow

Email has the highest revenue for the lowest investment known as return of investment (ROI)…. This is a crazy statistic for every $1 you spend you get $36 dollars back of the lifetime on average of the email customer.

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There is so many ways to make money online these days the mind boggles with overload but one of the easiest ways to start is affiliate marketing.

This is because you get paid a commission for pointing a customer in the right direction my the company. The main benefit of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to do any of the customer service sending out the product. Even dealing with customers queries of when and how the product will arrive at their house.

You just drive traffic to the product and everyone that buys you get paid. This is a very simple business model and makes it so much easier to start from.

Great starting point online!

Learn more this is what I use ?

Design your own course

This is may seem daunting but you can start with a small course and charge a minimal fee. But this small fee can add up if you solve a problem that people need to solve.

You need to think of something you know a good amount about that helps someone solve a problem. Then you can make a video series walking them through step by step to help them.

There are platforms that you can put your course on and they will drive traffic to your course in return they take a small fee. This is a good starting point for you online.

This is a massive online industry e-learning and only bound to grow exponentially over the next few years. So do the research and give it a go you may be surprised at the response to your online course.

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Alasdair Duncan

Author of 18 books and online digital marketer…..